Towing 1 Pony With Kia Sportage 1.7?


27 May 2014
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Hi everyone,
I am just wanting to get some opinions and advice.
I am potentially looking to tow my 14.2 pony in a single horse ifor williams 403 with a Kia Sportage 4 1.7
My pony weighs 450ish and the 403 is 767kg unladen. So combined they are 1217. I have also considered the bateson derby as I know they are even lighter.
The cars towing capacity is 1400 so I would get a friend to follow me with tack, water etc. in a separate vehicle.
Do you think for just going out locally now and then this should be ok? I really wouldn't be going further than 10/20 minutes away from home.
The car itself weighs 2000kg.


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10 December 2008
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The tack etc goes in the car not the trailer so you wouldn't need to have someone else bring it as it's not adding to the trailer's weight and the more weight you get the car (within its GVW limit) the better for towing. While you'd be ok legally and I normally say towing right up to a car's capacity is fine I'd be a bit wary in this case simply as that towing weight is so low. You could give it a try and see how it performs but I would be concerned about excessive wear and tear as it's probably not designed to tow like heavier vehicles are, for example I'd be far happier pulling 3200kg in a Defender than 1200kg in your car even thought they're both with 300kg of the capacity, if you see what I mean.


27 May 2014
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Yes I see what you mean. I haven't bought a trailer yet but I considered hiring one and seeing how it performs. I didn't want to buy a trailer for the car to not end up coping.

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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I've been looking at cars and towing capacities until my head spins the last week or so. I've worked out I'm towing 1500 possibly a bit more, I need to take the trailer to a weigh bridge to double check now its been refurbed, so I worked on it being 1600 and I've gone for a towing capacity of 2000. I know cars can tow right up to the towing limit but its my main car and it needs to last me the next 4 years really so I dont want to wreck it by towing!

You can do it with your car, so maybe try it and see how it feels. It wouldnt be my choice of set up though!


Well-Known Member
8 January 2010
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Hi everyone,
I am just wanting to get some opinions and advice.
I am potentially looking to tow my 14.2 pony in a single horse ifor williams 403 with a Kia Sportage 4 1.7
My pony weighs 450ish and the 403 is 767kg unladen. So combined they are 1217. I have also considered the bateson derby as I know they are even lighter.
The cars towing capacity is 1400 so I would get a friend to follow me with tack, water etc. in a separate vehicle.
Do you think for just going out locally now and then this should be ok? I really wouldn't be going further than 10/20 minutes away from home.
The car itself weighs 2000kg.
Kia sportage at exactly 2000 kg GVW is 1500 empty so you can load 500kg in that
HB403 is 767 empty and plated at 1600 MAM so if only got a B licence you will need to contact IW to get it down plated to 1500 - at 1500 that leaves 733kg you can load into the trailer BUT as the vehicle towing capacity is 1400 then that limits the max trailer load to 633kg


27 May 2014
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I've been looking at cars and towing capacities until my head spins the last week or so. I've worked out I'm towing 1500 possibly a bit more, I need to take the trailer to a weigh bridge to double check now its been refurbed, so I worked on it being 1600 and I've gone for a towing capacity of 2000. I know cars can tow right up to the towing limit but its my main car and it needs to last me the next 4 years really so I dont want to wreck it by towing!

You can do it with your car, so maybe try it and see how it feels. It wouldnt be my choice of set up though!

Thank you for replying! It has been making my head spin too searching for answers.

It isn’t my ideal choice of set up and hopefully wouldn’t be long turn set up. The sportage is my mum’s car which I am also insured on. I’m saving up to upgrade my own car later on in the year so in the mean time I was looking into other options :)