Towing Advice Please


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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OK, I've finally managed to persuade hubby that I can have a trailer, but of course my licence doesn't allow me to tow one over the 3.5kgs limit. Hubby would like a Subaru Tribeca which has a towing capacity of 2000kgs and a kerb weight of 1896kgs. I'm intending to buy the Bateson Derby lightweight trailer which has unladen weight of 675kgs, and MAM of 1740kgs. I'm assuming that even though I only want to tow one 600kg horse in the trailer I'll need to do the trailer test, but is this right? I tried to use the spreadsheet someone else posted on here but I can't seem to find out what the gross weight (loaded) of the Tribeca is! Doesn't seem to be online anywhere!

Does anyone else tow with a Tribeca? Can I drive on L plates with one horse in the trailer? I've called DVLA 4 times now and had a different answer each time as to whether I can, or should hubby be with me (he has older licence so can drive any combo but doesn't want to!), some say I can go on motorways and some say I can't! Is there anyone out there who knows for sure?? Please??? Any help much appreciated, especially info on how much it costs to take the blooming test!! Thanks lots!


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30 December 2006
New Forest
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Go into the competition riders sub forum, and the first post (sticky) on the board is HHO towing clinic, you might be better asking the question in there.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2010
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Could not find GVW either and no luck when phoning a dealer !!

What I can say is this ...

With an unladen/kerb weight of around 1900 and a trailer where the MAM is 1740 then those two together make more than the 3500 max so the GVW + trailer MAM will be much higher than that which makes it illegal to be towed using a B licence

I doubt that downplating the trailer to around 1400 will help either because although that would still be ok to take the horse and few bits and bobs I suspect that the GVW of the Subaru will be over 2100

Looks like either a B+E test is on the cards or you need to get a different towing vehicle


Well-Known Member
8 January 2010
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Can I drive on L plates with one horse in the trailer? I've called DVLA 4 times now and had a different answer each time as to whether I can, or should hubby be with me (he has older licence so can drive any combo but doesn't want to!), some say I can go on motorways and some say I can't! Is there anyone out there who knows for sure?? Please??? Any help much appreciated, especially info on how much it costs to take the blooming test!! Thanks lots!
You have B+E provisional on the paper part of your licence so hubby can be your supervising driver with L plates, correct insurance etc

You CAN drive on motorways as a L plated B+E learner - It is B learners that cannot

A local B+E trainer to me does two half days of 4 hours each plus test day for £637 all inclusive but not including any retests

Once passed you get the B+E for life so a good investment
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Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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I think the simple fact is, if you want to tow a horse trailer you have to take the test. Trying to wriggle out of it is pointless, if there was a loophole people would have found it by now.

No matter what tow vehicle you buy, and no matter what trailer, and even if you only carry a shetland, you have to take the test.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2010
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I think the simple fact is, if you want to tow a horse trailer you have to take the test. Trying to wriggle out of it is pointless, if there was a loophole people would have found it by now.

No matter what tow vehicle you buy, and no matter what trailer, and even if you only carry a shetland, you have to take the test.

That is not the case because it depends on what vehicle and trailer you have

Example of legally towing with a B licence - made up figures but not that far from what can be found....

Towing vehicle -
Unladen/empty = 1500
GVW = 2000
Towing capacity = 1500

Trailer -
Unladen/empty = 700
MAM = 1500

Load trailer with 800 max = plenty for a good sized horse


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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Thanks Rog, sorry have only just seen this, your comments are really helpful! Incidentally I'm not trying to get out of taking the test, it's just that I'm undecided about changing my car, or having a 3.5t horsebox, plus hubby doesn't mind buying a trailer, which we can sell on again, but wants to know if I'll actually use said trailer before spending out on the test. I've had lots of practice driving a tractor and trailer so don't really have concerns there, just undecided as to whether or not it's going to be worth the expense of a car change and the test etc.