Trailer help please


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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I bought a IW505 a few months ago but with family illness have just not been able to find the time to use it. My horse travels great in a lorry and is so calm but he has only ever been in a trailer twice about 2 yrs ago and he was nervous. We have had him walking through it and standing to be fed and tonight bless him after about a month of not being in it he went in with the ramps up but he is so nervous. At one point the jockey door which was pushed too so I could get out quick if needed, blew open as I was removing the single breast bar and Im sure he was going to make a dash for it. I panicked, got hubby to lower the front ramp quick and we were out in a shot, before the ramp had even lowered. He did go in again but is jumping at the slightest noise.
What would you do?
Im too scared to put him in and drive off incase he panics. My last horse was a terrible traveller and it really knocked my confidence whereas my old mare was great and we used to go out regular on our own.
Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
somewhere in pasty land
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I would give H's mum a pm.She (sorry not the cats mother i know) might be able to help you!!.


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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hiya, im having a bit of touble my self only i would be find if by bludy non-horse parents would buy me a front unload!! From what i've done so far these are my tips. Take things one step at a time every postive move towards the trailer should have a reward even if its just smelling it or more hopfuly steps into it. (let the horse put the puzzle together and work it out for him self its ok!) Every meal time tie him up so he can see you inside putting his feed in and also put a nice big bale of his fav haylage. walking him up let him eat his dinner then stand with him while he munchs at the hay after a while take him out and as days go on spend more time in their. make it just part of life. slowly start added new things like u out side the jockey door etc, people behing, ramps etc etc. This is were i have got to with my mare. Hope it helps! (sorry about spelling!) Oh also have u just tired walking in and out of if?


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Hi Louby,

It sounds like he was doing great, but because of past experience you were anticipating a problem and he sensed it to creating a problem where you panicked. Persevere with leading and/or feeding him in the trailer, but remain calm and ask hubby to close/open doors ramps etc... so your boy can see there is nothing to fear. once he is happy and you are too, go for a short drive "around the block" ending back at home. Again it will just build his and your confidence, and soon, i am sure, it will be allright.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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Not wishing to sound rude but by what you are saying with your actions, you may not be helping the situation. When your horse reacts to these noises and the door flying open just gently stroke him and stay calm. If you are anxious i.e. you panick and get hubby to lower door quickly and take him out then you are giving in to his fears, instead of ignoring the reaction and carrying on in your own time. I do hope this advice is of use to you and that you do not take offence to it and it is not ment in that way, I am trying to help your situation. I do wish you the best of luck, maybe let someone walk him in who is a bit more confident and it may rub off on him. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Get Richard Maxwell out... I promise it will be the best money you have ever spent!

PM me if you want more details on my experiences...


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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If you have the funds I would recommend a TUI loading bar.

I have found mine invaluable - especially in situations with nervy horses. Tui bar gives you breathing space and chance to stroke the horse to calm it down.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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New product out - when loading you horse you walk in with no breast bar up, halt the horse and lift the bar up to lock them in front & back, quicker than you can say 'good horse'.

I use Monty Roberts techniques with my horses, trouble is they are very joined up and don't really like being left whilst you rush to do up the back bar.

Now I can load with no stress or fuss single handed. Gives me more time and reduces overall stress levels!

TUI website


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Thanks every one. Caritas, I certainly havent took offence, I value all your opinions. You are right, I did tense up and when he panicked I thought I was ok but YO came over who is experienced and said I was talking to him with my voice raised. I hadnt realised!! We had the yard pain watching and questioning me about the breast bars etc whilst my boy was panicking with me trying to hold him still and the breast bar at the same time. (dont use partition just full width breast bar)I just wanted to tell her to sod off as I was trying to stay calm. Prob was I took breast bar off before we lowered the front ramp (as he had tried to get out previously with bar up and ramp down) and when he panicked he was going for the jockey door and I couldnt stop him, hence me getting hubby to lower ramp quickly. Ive now learnt that wasnt the way to do it.
He walks through no probs now which is such an improvement, so I will have to take things slowly and work up to trip out.
Thanks for all your advice.