Trailer Test


Well-Known Member
10 July 2005
Mid Wales
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Has anyone taken the trailer test?
I've heard such horror stories about people being failed for very pedantic reasons and that there is no point in taking the test without doing the expensive training first.
I don't mind paying to do the training if it really would increase my chances of passing but i'm a bit scared of wasting a lot of money and still not being able to pass!
I've never towed anything before but have a friend with a 4by4 and single box who says I can practice down the beach/industrial estate. (legally I can tow a single box within the right weight limits but I think it would be more sensible to pass the double box test)


Well-Known Member
12 February 2002
I did the trailer test last year and passed it first time. I got lessons as I was doing it a centre I was not familar with. Would definitely recommend lessons for a number of reasons.

1) You have to drive as if you are driving a trailer without livestock, and say wood for example, so that means no mamby pampy slowing to a stop at the roundabouts in case GG should slip. The examiner doesn't examine you for driving livestock

2) Parts of the test are similar to the HGV test, esp the routes you take etc

3) Coupling and re-coupling - we all have out own ways of doing it, but there is a set way and method (bit like the BHS way of putting on a rug!)

4) My instructor was brilliant and I felt really confident in my driving before I did the test

5) Reversing - need I say more. Definitely worth getting lessons from someone who knos what they are talking about


Well-Known Member
15 November 2006
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Hey, did mine 3 years ago- passed 3rd attempt!
Bear in mind i passed driving test at 17, 1st time. I did loads of trailer practice with dad and friend and am (if I do say so myself!) a good reverser, always in right line and into parking area accurately. They give majors for things you would get minor in during driving test. Also bloke i had for test was sexist w****er and only obviously liked the guys doing HGV test.
Would def have lessons as stupid things you wouldnt know to do, such as for down hill start you must be in 2nd.
I only had 1/2 day lesson- was worth it to know tricks. I went for free assessment and they said how many hours u will need.
Just have to persevere with test I think. Also depends where you are. Our test centre had less than 40% pass rate!!
Good Luck!
P.s. Single horse trailer with horse in isnt in weight limit, only weight of small garden trailer, need test for aything else!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I found it hard work and Id pulled a trailer for about 4 years before hand! The only real thing I found strange was that Id always pulled a trailer with horses in it so of course Id drive slowly and very carefully whereas in the lessons (and test) your expected to "make progress" like in your car test so like speed up quickly again etc. but I wasnt used to that so it was a weird habit to get into!

I passed 3rd time. My real worry was the reversing manouvre simply because I tend not to need to reverse much at horse shows! Strange that in the actual tests I was fine in this....! First time I failed because supposedly I didnt look in one of my mirrors enough when I was pulling away but that was crap. I noticed a lot of the time when I looked in my mirrors, my examiner was also looking in them (rather than me!!). And I was totally OTT about mirrors coz I knew that was a big thing of the test. 2nd time I cant actually remember what I failed on..... 3rd time I managed to pass but I didnt do much different from the first two times, but I DID find something in common with my examiner (about motorbike accidents, how motorists are so careless to miss them as he was hit by one) and really went on about how people should look etc.!! I think that boosted his view of me as a nice respectable safe driver!

To be honest, Ive pretty much forgotten everything I was told in the lessons! I mean how often would you ever need to reverse in front of a cone, across the road and then straighten up into a bay?! And how often would you EVER do an emergency stop THAT quickly with a horse in there (he'd be out the front window!!).

I think you should get a few lessons just so they can make sure you know what to expect in the test (like the manouvres required etc.). If your good, you wont need many anyway.

I found it a bit sexist as well, the instructors and examiners are usually men as it is usually HGV centres who do trailer tests.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Troggy passed fourth time, one of her fails was for not using a bus lane in the town centre! They can and do fail you on seemingly pedantic things, but the trailer test is more like a LGV test than a car driving test. Troggy had only about two hours' instruction, but she did practise like mad and took the trailer out (accompanied) most weekends. Public car parks are great for practising reversing manouevres, and a trailer mirror is a great asset when hitching/unhitching. You also have to know things like your tyre pressures, where the brake fluid goes etc. Troggy found the instruction she had wasn't all that great, it is mostly down to practice, reading as much as possible about the test and taking several tests! It was definitely worth it though, she is now a brilliant tower and capable of getting out of any situation.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2006
East Sussex, UK
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I passed my trailer test 2 weeks ago, 1st time. I had plenty of lessons with a reputable driving centre who specialise in trailers & HGV. I totally agree with MagicMelon - it's harder when you're used to towing horses slowly and craefully. In your test you have to get up to speed quickly and drive in a different way to would if you had a horse on board. I found this website really helpful:
There's loads of tips on it re. what you will be expected to do it your test.

On this note, my driving instructor told me about somebody who he was teaching - she was towing a trailer, with a horse on board, on her own - and she hadn't passed her trailer test. She was involved in a minor accident and the police became involved. Her car and trailer were confiscated, she was fined £2000 and made to re-take her driving test, as well as her trailer test!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2002
I have to say I found my examiner super and actually he preferred teaching women as we listened to him. The examiner was fine and actually quite chatty about the horses etc. However, the test centre does have quite a few girls doing HGV tests to drive thier pony buses as my instructor called them


Well-Known Member
10 July 2005
Mid Wales
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Thanks everyone for all your thoughts- looks like tuition is the way to go and it might be a blessing that i've never towed anything before!!


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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I have done the test 3 times and failed each time for silly little things that you cant avoid like someone coming flying round a blind bend when i was setting off from a junction and the examiner saying that i should have stopped when i thought it was safer to carry on and avoid being stopped in the middle of the road! Very annoying as every time i fail its just cos of a stupid little thing, not to mention very expensive. i have taught myself so am reluctant to pay for training as i havent failed on anything to do with the trailer, just tiny mistakes! there is so much confusion as to what the law is, i think it would be a much better idea for the DVLA to say theat you have to do a days course and pass it or something rather than take the test, as with it being so difficult to pass loads of people are probably going to drive without the test, not to mention those people who have no idea about it as many dont!!