Transport query


17 November 2019
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I buy and sell youngstock, I’ve always had them fetched up for me by one of two companies as they come from Wales most often.
Currently I am having a filly brought up from Llanelli and was given a quote for the trip,I used a different company to usual as they could fetch her sooner, transporter messaged me saying he would like to bring filly up alone rather than shared, I said do what you have to, and price wasn’t discussed again.
I payed £75 deposit and immediately after receiving transporter told me he was having to increase price by £120 as horse wasn’t going on shared load any more and he hadn’t realised distance (he had been given post codes 24hr before) and his daughter was driving though I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.
Had he told me price would be changed prior to me sending deposit I would have completely understood and probably just used my usual company who were charging less anyway, but now he has my deposit, am I entitled to it back? Do I just give it up as a bad job? I hate confrontation but I’m miffed. Am I wrong to be annoyed?