Travelling a horse with no partition - Question


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4 August 2010
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Im considering taking the partition out of my trailer and getting full length breast and breech bars fitted so my girl has a bit more room, as my trailer is quite narrow despite being a double.

So a question to those of you who travel horses without a partition, do you notice them moving around more? I have never towed without a partition before and wasn't sure if you would notice them moving around?

Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
2 February 2012
South Wales
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I travel my lad without the partition, and my old horse too. They both seem to travel better and I don't notice them moving about. It seems like they choose a position they are most comfortable with and largely stay there. I suspect some horses would prefer the enclosing partition, but its worth trying.
I love having the room to tack up on the trailer if its raining!


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12 October 2009
South Glos
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Always towed our youngster (started just before he was 4) without partition and he stands like a rock. Previous mare started travelling on her own with a partition and it became a nightmare - she needed the whole width


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4 June 2003
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I have done it once.Horse travelled very well and I am considering changing trailers so I can do that all the time.One lady in our yard does this and her horse travels very well.


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19 May 2006
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I often do. The partition comes out when I'm travelling a mare and foal, and then the next time if I'm only travelling one horse I don't bother putting it back, so the partition ends up being out more than in.

I do loosely cross tie them, so they can get comfy but not get into difficulties, and I usually find they shuffle around onto the diagonal and then stay there.

It's great for tacking up, loads of room.

Christmas Crumpet

Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
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I always travel with no partition - I only have one horse to travel so has always seemed a more sensible idea.

For horses that are tricky to load I find it helps enormously because the trailer is so much more open and inviting.


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8 June 2008
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My 16.3 turned round 1st time, terrifying but we survived! I cross tie him pretty firmly now but still travel with no partition, much better.


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28 March 2011
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I am about to try this with j .
But am troubled about how to load and unload safely alone .
With the petition it's easy the horse walks in with the rope over its neck with me on the ramp I the put the breeching across horse is then safe and I go and tie it up .
Without the petition out the horse has a lot of space to get into trouble trying to turn round and you have to get a full length breech bar across which is not going to be as quick .
Or you tie the horse up before the breeching is across .
Or I have to have some sort of lunge rein arrangement through something at the front ( not ideal on your own while manhandling a full length bar ).
Unloading you have the same issue the over way round it's probably worse .
ATM I am trying to find a full width bar to have a practise with .


Well-Known Member
26 July 2013
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My partition has come out to be repaired after my delinquent youngster tore the rubber off the bottom. My dad will fix it but my guess is it will take 3 months - I am low priority and he has other horseboxes to sell!!! I travelled her without it or the first time the other day (make sure they are cross tied to prevent them turning around!) and she travelled great. Usually she is such a nosey beggar, has to be tied up short so she doesn't try and eat the other horse's hay/get her head over or under the partition... this time she had the choice of 2 haynets and could stand on the diagonal (which she preferred I think). She didn't move about at all and she is a little fidget normally. She was cross tied quite loosely as the box was a lot wider than I thought without the partition!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
I am about to try this with j .
But am troubled about how to load and unload safely alone .
With the petition it's easy the horse walks in with the rope over its neck with me on the ramp I the put the breeching across horse is then safe and I go and tie it up .
Without the petition out the horse has a lot of space to get into trouble trying to turn round and you have to get a full length breech bar across which is not going to be as quick .
Or you tie the horse up before the breeching is across .
Or I have to have some sort of lunge rein arrangement through something at the front ( not ideal on your own while manhandling a full length bar ).
Unloading you have the same issue the over way round it's probably worse .
ATM I am trying to find a full width bar to have a practise with .

I've found my horse stands nice and still without a partition (I've got a reversing camera in the trailer so I can see what she's doing). She parks herself, usually on the diagonal, and pretty much stays there. There certainly isn't any rocking about with the trailer any more.

With regard to loading, does your horse try to get back off if you go to do up the breeching bar? I normally load my mare, and tie up (she has a haynet to keep her in!) then nip round the back to put up the bar. If you horse is happy to go in alone, while you stay back to do the bar, they would have to be quite quick to get turned round completely to get back out again. I can see what you mean though.

Unloading is never a problem as she's tied up and waits for me to take down the bar.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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When I had a trailer I always travelled minus central partition (remember to cross tie!!)
All horses travelled well (usually better).

In answer to goldenstar, I always transport on my own. I load the horse, cross tie, then walk past the horse to back of trailer and pop up the breach bar. That said all my horses have been generally safe/relaxed loaders - would be a bit more careful had I had an anxious/sharp one.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2006
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I made up a full width breast bar for my old Rice using a 3x4 beam with a gate hinge bolted on each end :)

I did it so that I could travel 3 ponies together in a Beaufort. They travel quietly, and seem to end up herringbone, with no issues. There is no breech bar, but TBH with small ponies a breech bar does more harm than good (ever seen a pony back out underneath one and panic? - I bet most of you have.)


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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Thank you for all your replies.

Im definately going to give this a try, however, without my partition in the trailer i have no breech/breast bars so think im going to have to find someone to make me a couple.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Have a word with your farrier. My trailer is a foreign make so I would have had to import one at god knows how much cost, otherwise.


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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Have a word with your farrier. My trailer is a foreign make so I would have had to import one at god knows how much cost, otherwise.

Good point, thanks for that. I have spoken with a trailer company and if they can get one to fit its going to cost nearly £100 im sure for a few quid and a bottle my farrier or someone else could mackle me something together.


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23 April 2014
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My horse explained that he's too broad for a partitioned trailer by kicking the side away from the floor. Arrived at a show to drop the ramp and see him standing in a pool of blood (only a small cut in fact, he dried up and competed later that day). Had to phone a friend to bring us home.

So trailer number two has no partition and he tends to stand diagonal now, taking up the whole space of the trailer. He used to stamp and scramble about going around corners and get quite sweaty when travelling. Now he's a happy boy andI am much more relaxed about travelling him.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2012
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Someone suggested I took the partitions out of my trailer soon after I got my ex racer as he was a bad traveller. It made all the difference and he travelled beautifully from then on. Another plus is it is easier to tack up inside if you need to without partitions


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I have a 3.5t van fitted with the partition off to one side to allow only the width of a portable loo, the rest for the horse. They travel slightly at an angle, by choice.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I’ve removed the partition from my van conversion and Millie tends to stand slightly diagonally. When she’s in there, you honestly wonder how they fit into a partitioned area, she seems to take up the whole space. She travels like a dream.
I’ve also done it in a trailer with a panicky pony, and he was much happier too.


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13 January 2019
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Full width breech bars and no partition in my trailer. Horse stands herringbone quietly and much prefers travelling this way