I adore my Woof travel boots. after a nasty incident with a pair of polypad boots El Developed a fear of travel boots all together, however she has now realised that even whilst in the biggest of strops, these boots stop her from hurting herself. so no more strops, no more panicking, and a happy me! cannot recommend them enough. I have the ones with the fleece lining - soaks up wetness, and they have never slipped.
Don't you just hate the travel boots with lots of thin bog standard velcro straps though? Gaaah...the get on my nerves as the blinking straps keep shutting on as you're trying to take them off. Not good for a horse that isn't fond of the noise or a youngster who'd not fond of the boots full stop.
Use WW ones for all of bekkas. Buccas ones slip down all the time!!
Personally for my own horses I bandage, and dependant on journey sometimes put wraps over them, I HATE those rigid shapely things, my horses just bounce about in those until they have a) kicked them off or b) caused something damage. TBH so do bekkas, but they are her horses so I cant argue.
COOL!! Thankies EVERYONE!!! Not entirely sure that I got a definitive answer, but at least I know that the ones I mentioned are all well thought of! Will get a searching!
I have a few pairs of travel boots; Woof, Mark Todd, some other pair which I can't remember the name of.......and then I have my Clyst Saddlery ones! The others are all okay but the Clyst ones are FAR superior to the others for long journeys, in my opinion. I have had them for a few years so not sure whether they still make them or not, but these have never ever slipped, they cover right down to the bottom of the hoof so the whole coronary band is totally covered and they are quite tall boots so give amazing coverage.
Shame you weren't closer as you could have had them all - I never ever travel the horses here in boots or bandages.
For that length of journey if you must use something I would be very tempted just to use overeach boots all round on both of them but not travel boots because of heating and slipping. If you really want boots I would use just normal brushing boots with knee boots, I personally don't like fitted travel boots. You don't see the mega buck mares going to studs with any form of boots on do you?
Ive gone back to the old fashioned way - bought some hock boots of ebay and will be bandaging the back legs. Think part of her problem with loading was she hated her back wraps.
Mark Todd!
Used them for EVER it seems, they are washed practically every time. Bally, Winston and Snoopy all bang and scrap the lorry but still those boots hold up
I have Premier Equine ones and I love them - they do not move, have lasted a temper tantrum about loading, cope with his pawing of the ground. cope with him being a general idiot and have no rips despite owning them for 7 months.
Years ago I used to have a set of woof wear travel boots and my horse hated them. Tried another set and my horse basically hated anything that went above her knee or hock. She walked like a muppet in them and I was scared she would cause herself more half in them. Then I got a couple of sets of cheap short travel boots and four years later I am still using them. They have been fantastic and save me the risk of being kicked putting them on ect. They don't cover the hocks but I'm not too worried about that, My ponies are travelled in the big ifor willaims trailer so don't reach the back of it to rub ect.
Often when I'm off to a comp I boot my horse up before I go and put the travel boots ontop and always tend to put over reach boots on all 4 just in case.
When I travel one horse I dont worry about always booting. The main reason I boot is to stop them hurting themselfs by standing on each other under the partition. It's never happened yet so fingers crossed.
I have Mark Todd ones and they look v. smart and also fit really well. Also the Polypad ones are quite good as they are soft and cushioned and easy to put on.
Aww thanks Tia. I hear what you are saying and I have travelled them bare legged once before, but as there will be no partition between them and H is now such big lad....... I worry.
For that length of journey if you must use something I would be very tempted just to use overeach boots all round on both of them but not travel boots because of heating and slipping. If you really want boots I would use just normal brushing boots with knee boots, I personally don't like fitted travel boots. You don't see the mega buck mares going to studs with any form of boots on do you?
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That's one thing I was concerned about - the heat! hmmmmm you mean like we did for the BEF thing? Would certainly be cheaper
Premiere Equine. As good as any I have seen and about half the price. Jack managed an 8 hour trip in his and they were brilliant. Washed really well too. Good and padded with a nice big strike pad. (And nice colours....no pink!).
Boots I've got slip down PF's legs (could be that they're just too big!) so I go with padding, bandages and hock boots. I did have some floppy quilty ones that I used to bandage over, but don't use them since gobsh:te groom put them on without the bandages and PF fell over and hurt herself... God that still makes my blood boil...
Like Cloud, she made the whole trip to Argentina boot and bandage-less unscathed and somehow ended up with a much posher headcollar than the one I sent her off in (woo hoo) though I never saw my haynet again (boo hoo