Well-Known Member
It's been a few years since I had to deal with laminitis. My horse has just had a mild attack and the vet advised stable rest for a week. When he was seen again after that he had improved and is allowed out for a very short period of time am and pm in a bare paddock. He'll be seen again in a week and turn out will increase depending on how he's doing. I'm happy with all that as it was what I had to do before. However, I've had a couple of people tell me that he needs to 'keep moving' - the implication being that he should be out for much longer. I've also heard of a horse that developed it after a steroid injection and the owner was told to start riding him out at walk when he was still not completely sound. So - has the advice in certain circumstances changed? I always thought that during the acute phase you kept they as still as possible or you risked more damage to the laminae.