TREC, rules UK & France


Well-Known Member
13 September 2006
Thanks to equibabe20/Sam for giving me the UK Trec link. Quite nicely done that section of the BHS site.

It seems that the competition rules I know in France & the UK TREC rules are very similar from what I've seen on the BHS web site. It doesn't go into much detail on the way points are awarded/deducted for the various sections, but I would imagine that's similar.

In France, the events are classed in 3 levels, not the 4 used in the UK - there doesn't seem to be an equivalent of level 1 for PORs up to 12km. Beginners start as a group, or guided by a more experienced rider on the 15-20km courses.

It would be interesting to attend a UK event to see if the regs. are interpreted in the same way, and if the POR circuits have as many sneaky tricks as I've experienced! I've noticed looking at the BHS results that rider/horse couples are getting consistantly high scores on the Level3/4 circuits, if they are marked out of 400. Must be excellent competitors, maybe the max mark is higher then 400, or perhaps the POR course designers (? - tracer in french, don't know the UK term for that role) haven't yet learnt all the nasty tricks they can play on the unsuspecting competitors, as Trec is fairly new to the UK :))

Last year the French Trec max. mark per section was:
Presentation: 20
POR : 200
T.desA: 60
PTV : 120, or Reg events 160.

The POR was "devalued" a couple of years ago from 260 to 200 points, which I think is a pity, because it can be the most demanding part of the competition. Course errors were also devalued in line with the new POR total, eg. you loose 30 points instead of 50 for arriving at a control point on the wrong path.

I would be interested to hear more from you UK Trec enthusiasts on your views about the sport.