Trying not to, but getting a little excited...


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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Some of you may remember, that a few years ago I took my beloved Connie on loan from a 'friend of a friend' - all was great, I brought Connie back into work after 3 years off, and had loads of fun.

The owner dissappeared, and I have only ever seen her once since I've had Connie - and even then I had hunted her down with the help of a friend.

Connie went lame last May, with Concussive laminitis, I spent lots of time (and not to mention money) fixing her (both vet and farrier fantastic). She did come back into work, but in the end i decided to retire her. So now she is my big fluffy pet, who i adore and plan to keep to the end of her days (although I have considered finding a nice local home where she could be a nanny - she loves babies - although she would still be very much mine!).

However, I have been without a regular ride for a while, have a couple of options on the yard to ride, the main one being a firend who i share jobs with, which is a lovely mare, however we quite often wanted to go out hacking/lessons etc. together, which didnt work with only one horse. I have been taking the YO's daughters pony out hacking, and while she is lovely, just not the same as having your own (plus at 14.2, although she takes up my leg, i do feel a little like i may squish her!)

Sooooo, another lady on the yard has 3 horses, she's struggling for time and money for them all, but really doesnt want to have to let them all go, they have done pretty much nothing since August. She has put them up for loan/potential sale - I spoke to her yesterday, and may well be taking one of them on part loan. I'm going to ride him tomorrow night and see how we get on, but its almost perfect, the owner doesnt have to give him up, I'll be taking over his jobs, freeing up a bit of her time, and contributing towards his costs. He's a bit different from what i'm used to, Connie is a cobx, just shy of 15.1, the potential loan horse is 17.2 warmblood! (I used to ride big horses, and I am 5'10" so not completely foreign - but its been a while!) - anyway, long and rambling, but excited about the prospect of a regular neddy to ride for the foreseeable future. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I've never had the care of 2 horses before, and I know its going to be a bit more work, but the thought of regular riding and a bit of a project is just way too much of a good opportunity to turn down! (with the advantage that Connie is a doddle to look after!)


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Very exciting! I took on a second in very similar circumstances (but as a share so only 4 days a week),and I found that it's not really much more work. Being there is the tie, not how long you're there and you have to do that for one anyway. I just fill the wheelbarrow with twice as much hay (they have haybars at my yard) do their feeds at the same time, fill their water slowly while I'm mucking out etc and I'm only there an extra 15 minutes on the days I do the two of them - it helps they're on rubber matting so are easy to muck out!
With the part loan as well, I assume the owner is still going to be around? For me that means backup for my horse as well as my share horse when I need it so it's easier in fact!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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Very exciting! I took on a second in very similar circumstances (but as a share so only 4 days a week),and I found that it's not really much more work. Being there is the tie, not how long you're there and you have to do that for one anyway. I just fill the wheelbarrow with twice as much hay (they have haybars at my yard) do their feeds at the same time, fill their water slowly while I'm mucking out etc and I'm only there an extra 15 minutes on the days I do the two of them - it helps they're on rubber matting so are easy to muck out!
With the part loan as well, I assume the owner is still going to be around? For me that means backup for my horse as well as my share horse when I need it so it's easier in fact!

Thanks for this, good to get an idea of what others do - I'm hoping the extra time really will be when I'm riding, my plan is to do all mucking out in the morning, so I can ride in the evening, although there will probably be days when i split the mucking out am and pm. and on the days when not riding I'm hoping i'll be the same as you with only an extra 15mins, but we'll see... the owner will definitely still be around, apart from anything she has her other two horses. Plus the friend who I currently share jobs with has already said she'll continue to do so with Connie as it works out well for her to be able to turn her mare out early if she needs to etc. and never has to worry about her horse being on its own. Just trying to keep calm and my fingers crossed.

Thanks everyone! will keep you updated.