Turnout for Native


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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I'm taking my highland hunting on saturday and could do with a bit of advice! We've been cubbing once back in october but they didn't really seem too bothered about turnout as there was lots of people in coats and horses not plaited etc.

Do I need to plait him? As there is pretty much no way his mane will go into small plaits it's just too long and thick. I can do a very neat running plait if need be but would this be seen as ok or is it better just to leave it down? It always stays very clean and white so he'll look clean.

Then there's me! What should I wear? For cubbing I wore my show jacket which is like a grey tweed, white show shirt and dark blue with spots tie, beige jods, long show boots and skull hat with black silk (was last minute thing going so didn't have time to get a velvet silk). So basically my showing outfit.

The only time I've been anywhere near hunting is when I did second horses a few times last season with my friend who was working for the hunt and I wore the above then as well.

What's correct though or would the above be ok? I do have a velvet show hat but don't really want to wear it as it gives me a really bad headache and makes me nearly pass out! So several hours hunting in it would be awful! So would a velvet silk on skull cap be fine and black or blue?

Sorry for all the questions just don't want to look stupid!

Thanks to anyone who can be bothered to read all that!


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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Your turnout for cubbing will be fine for hunting :) If you would be happier with a velvet silk then whichever colour goes best with your jacket :)


Well-Known Member
4 October 2009
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Hi, Oooo... my kind of post! I take my Highland hunting and he LOVES it. Turnout as above would be totally fine and you will look great. LHP (little highland pony) hasnt been backed a year yet and started off with some gentle cubbing and then went hunting with the big boys. He does get a bit strong and uses his neck against me sometimes but on the whole he is fantastically well behaved. He has had a couple of "sticky" moments where being young and green came through and I only keep him out for and hour and half maybe two hours but he does his best to keep up with the TB's. It has taught him so much and he has gone up banks and through rivers that he would never normally do out hacking. I plait his mane in a running plait and then plait one big plait in his tail, fold it into three and then use green tape to tape it all out of the way. I also put a long plait in his forelock so everything is kept out of the way.
Have a fantastic time, please, please post some pictures and let us know how you got on. Take care, stay safe and most of all ENJOY x



Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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Thanks for the advice.

Have only just got in we were out from 11:15 till 4:45pm am knackered. So surprised at how well he kept up. Jumped for the first time out hunting as we didn't do any when out cubbing in october. Did two hunt jumps a log and a ditch. Was very pleased about the ditch as he's only ever jumped one XC and even then he's a pain to get over but jumped it very nicely.

Really wish I had tied his tail up though as it is disgusting totally dreadlocked with mud! His legs and belly are covered and have just had to leave most of it to dry and brush off tomorrow.

Unfortunatly no pics as had no one to take any. Can't wait to go again had such a great time and he was still walking forwards all the way home was very shocked!