Well-Known Member
Firstly, I would just like to point out that following a wonderful ride this morning where my boy absolutely excelled himself, I am now alternating between pounding my head repeatedly against the wall and rocking back and forth producing a high pitched keening noise. Well, perhaps and exaggeration, but you get my point.
For the third time in approx. 8 weeks, he's lost a shoe in the field.
Nearside fore, each time a clean pull indicating it was pulled off by the hind. He only got a new set of shoes put on Tuesday (with extra nails because he'd pulled it off twice already!!!), this is getting ridiculous! I've used my farrier for years, I've got complete faith in him so I know it's not the shoeing. In addition, Rocky has very good, strong hooves.
This is my first winter with my boy, and this only started once the field got really muddy, we had no problems all through summer and autumn. At a bit of a loss!!
I've held off from putting overreach boots on in the field because so far we've had no mudfever, and I'm concerned that copious amounts of mud will be caught under the boots, making his heels extra damp and bringing on mudfever. So I'm hoping that perhaps someone on here can tell me that I'm mistaken, and can in fact get away with putting the boots on???
I thought about turnout boots, but from looking at photos of the various ones on offer, it looks like none of them go down far enough to prevent him catching and pulling off his shoes. Again, can anyone confirm this, or know of any turnout boots that DO provide enough cover?
Congrats to any that made it this far, sorry for the waffle but I'm at a total loss. Vodka and chocolates for all.
For the third time in approx. 8 weeks, he's lost a shoe in the field.
This is my first winter with my boy, and this only started once the field got really muddy, we had no problems all through summer and autumn. At a bit of a loss!!
I've held off from putting overreach boots on in the field because so far we've had no mudfever, and I'm concerned that copious amounts of mud will be caught under the boots, making his heels extra damp and bringing on mudfever. So I'm hoping that perhaps someone on here can tell me that I'm mistaken, and can in fact get away with putting the boots on???
I thought about turnout boots, but from looking at photos of the various ones on offer, it looks like none of them go down far enough to prevent him catching and pulling off his shoes. Again, can anyone confirm this, or know of any turnout boots that DO provide enough cover?
Congrats to any that made it this far, sorry for the waffle but I'm at a total loss. Vodka and chocolates for all.