Two terriers..?


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24 September 2008
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Seriously considering a 2nd dog, my OH seems to have come round to my Border Terrier and has actually said he wouldn’t mind a second. Mine is amazing, recall is ok (I’ve not lost him yet) and he’s really calmed down recently (he’s 18 months) he often goes to work with OH which involves a lot of driving about in the van, he’s a clever dog and as long as he gets mental stimulation isn’t fussed by exercise as long as he has a run each day (which he does at the yard) but likewise is happy to go off and do a decent walk.

So, what happens when you introduce a 2nd Border? I’ve been warned that it may cause them both to stick two fingers up and do what they like, so part of me thinks we should get something a bit more ‘prone to be sensible’, but then I do love my Border he’s a perfect size, he isn’t yappy, he loves everyone he meets and has never said a bad word about anyone.

Does anyone else have two terriers and how to they cope?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I have a BT and another terrier of dubious parentage, but they're as good as gold. I think it depends on each particular dog and how stimulating their routine is, rather than breed.
My BT is so attached that his worst nightmare would be to loose us out on a walk, he's a scruffy softie. The other terrier is more independent with a strong hunting instinct but she's very obedient, so can't say it's been a problem.


Well-Known Member
24 September 2008
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Mine rarely goes out of sight, but can be prone to typical terrier deafness so isn't always trusted.

Routine is varied and will involve some time at home, but the first one loves a good sleep (he is NOT a morning person) but I figure that it would be nicer to have two home alone rather than one.

Ideally I wanted a full brother or sister to my one but his breeders aren’t having anymore litters (I missed out by a few days on the last litter, gutted) I’d love a 2nd border but I just don’t want my current Border’s behaviour to deteriorate.


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10 September 2012
The flat lands of Yorkshire
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We had a BT and a JRT, 99% the BT was fine, to the point of lazy, he would rather sit at the end of the drive and wait for me than come out on a hack with me! He really was the sweetest dog but just occasionally the JRT would lead him astray and unfortunately he got hit by a car (the JRT didn't have a mark on him)
I swore that I would never have another pair of terriers again as the rest of our dogs are working sheepdogs so very obedient and well trained but my BiL came home with a BT pup at the weekend! It is the sweetest but I think our best tactic is to keep the terriers separate (ie not sharing a kennel during the day, they live in separate houses but next door) so they don't have chance to plan their mischief!
So to make a point instead of waffling I don't think BTs are the naughtiest of terriers but can certainly be lead astray.


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9 August 2011
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Years ago I had a little patterdale type terrier, Jess. She was very well behaved and her training was coming along great. Then I got another rescue, a JRT cross called Dusty.

They got on wonderfully, really loved each other. However discipline was much much harder once Dusty arrived. They seemed to egg each other on and encourage each other into scrapes! :D

Taken out on their own, each dog had excellent recall, but together they'd look to each other as if debating whether to bother to respond. :mad:

They were definitely double trouble, but there was no real badness in them and they were great company for each other so I forgave them. ;)


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Depends entirely on the individual dog. My first two were never a pick of bother when put, the current two can't go out together or they'll booger off hunting. I guess you just have to try it.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
A lot depends on how/where they're kept TBH. If they're kept where they can be free range then yes, they'll more than likely make a habit of going off and doing their own thing which can be a beggar to break them from; if you have a secure garden and they only go out when you take them out under control then they might be alright or you might have to have one off the lead at a time on walks as with a pair, their selective hearing can be non existent no matter how good they are alone.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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My m-in-law has 2 borders and they are fine, but one is old.
We had a lakeland and a patterdale who used to freerange in the farmyard, now that was trouble!


Well-Known Member
29 March 2013
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We have 2 borders my first is now 15months old & my 2nd is 6months old. Both went to dog school (or doggy borstal as my oh calls it) seperately & tbh they are very good off the lead & have good recall. We only let them off though in a secure area or 1 field I deem safe enough for 2 border terrorists! I dont think I would trust them offf the lead otherwise. THey get along great & are as happy together or apart. They do have the odd deaf moment & get need reminded of basic commands every now & then but I wouldnt be without them. We were very lucky though both toilet trained very quickly, didnt chew & arent yappy. Plus 2 means we have 1 each to cuddle on the couch when they havent been rolling in unmentionables. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
29 March 2013
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Forgot to add I agree with East Kent. When I was little my parents had a working lakeland ( he was rubbish though he had 2 munched ears) & woe betide any cat that came into the garden. He was also a master of escape. No fence was too high or gap too small if he wanted a furry it was his. The borders on the other hand seem much easier :)