Ugh Mean people.


Well-Known Member
4 February 2006
Stradbroke Suffolk
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Rant coming up..

Girl from yard has been riding the rather large green horse for another livery, who doesn't have time/confidence to ride him herself. The girl has plenty of bottle but not much competitive experience.

Anyway, she decided to hack green horse to local dressage just to give him a look around. So I said i'd meet her there for moral support (don't know her that well but wasn't doing anything). When we get there she finds out theres a space in the novice class that afternnon. So I go home get my competition clothes for her and bring back my lorry for her to tie up to.

We generally had great time! I helped her warm up and read her test for her. OK she only got 47.5% but was novice test and the horse was unbalanced in canter and broke, but she got 5's and 6's as well as 2's! She was really pleased as was I and she got a rosette, which she and the horses owner thought was great.

Heart warming story to this point.

Today one of my "friends" came up to me and said "did you know so and so saw S (girl i went to show with) on Sunday doing a NOVICE test! said it was awful she could barely watch ha ha ha ha what was she doing entering a novice test when she can't even control the horse" Obviously not realising i'd gone to help this girl.

I couldn't put up with this so told her that actually i'd helped her warm up and she really did do quite well. I also pointed out that So and So should shut up as they really should move out of unaffiliated prelim and stop pot hunting, considering they do prenovice eventing.

Ugh. Why do I now feel like a sanctimonius old bag. Don't like my "friend's" i'm better than everyone attitude anyway.

How are people meant to progress when people just want to be bitchy about them. No wonder people are so hung up about being watched and so don't want to enter competitions.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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well done you i say, i dont think you were being a bag

good luck to the girl on the green horse for giving it a go and giving the horse some ring experience


Well-Known Member
4 February 2006
Stradbroke Suffolk
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It really annoys me that these people think they're so great, especially the ones who never compete their bloody horses, but feel it's ok to be mean about the people who do.

I can only imagine what they say about me.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
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I hate people like that.

I went to do some local showjumping on my boy at the weekend, it was only his second time out. There was a girl of about 16 on a little pony who went before me (my boy is 16.3) and her mum came up to me and said its a shame you missed out on being placed, your horse really cant to corners that is why my pony did better. My reply was yes he can do corners he just has to take them wider than your pony as he is bigger and I like to get his straight before every jump and not go at them willy nilly and at mad angles.

Anyway, I actually came 1st and she was 3rd.

I didnt say anything to her because I was happy with what my horse did and didnt want to rise to her attitude of "My horse is better than yours".

I say good on the girl for doing the test on that horse. Maybe it wasnt the best test but no doubt she has achived more than a lot of the others who were doing the test on that day


Well-Known Member
30 January 2006
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well done you!
this worries me a little to be honest. i'm a novice rider and have started to learn to jump this year. really want to do some local shows next year but having been to a few and heard some not very sporting remarks it almost puts me off! it's not going to though. we all have to start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Well done you good for saying something!!No wonder people get put off competing and i cant stand people like that, pothunters that dont understand that people are trying to actually progress, its what put me off competing for a long time until i got rocky. I always hear very unsporting remarks and it makes my blood boil!


Well-Known Member
6 February 2006
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there is more bitchy people in the horse world than any where else. i wish the girl all the luck at least she gave it ago more than what some is nice to hear she has a friend in you and your willing to help her.
It is the same where i live, people should let others get on .


Well-Known Member
8 September 2005
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Garrgh!!! people like that reallly really bug me, I sat with one of ladies from my old yard at a show once, (well actually ended up lumbered with the silly cow!!!) and we watched the show jumping, she critisised (sp) almost every rider, best of it is she 'dosent jump' as in she is too scared, i really wanted to tell her to shut her mouth, but am far too polite!!! told her i was nipping to the loo and did one!!!!