UK Riders Finals with pics


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
Maidstone Kent
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Well I'd like to thank everyone for suggesting I go to above. I had a really good time.

Quite a job getting there, Jeep kept not wanting to start when it was hot. Emergency MOT needed to be booked to get road tax.

Nearly missed my lesson as car wouldn't start, it's an hours drive away. Managed to fit in a short lesson, but before the lesson Murph trod on my toes with his back foot, think he's broken one of my toes as it's black/blue and still won't bend a week on.

After lots of traffic jams we eventually arrived at Warwick College nearly 5 hours after setting off. Murph was very excited. He settled in well. The set up is lovely there. We got there in the dark and as we turned the corner I was met by a floodlit covered outdoor school, it was massive. Looked so inviting.

Poor boyfriend was left the job of putting the new tent up in the dark. My blow up bed kept going down as it had a puncture so I spent the whole night laying on a hard field. At least it was warm.

Murph was in the stable next to the warm up area so when I went to see him the next morning he was already running around his stable and barging his door. He was soooo excited. My class wasn't until 10.45 so he had a long wait. I rode him for a while about 8.30 to see if he'd settle, but it didn't help much. I was wondering if he'd have enough energy to jump.

He did make me laugh though as he was on the end, everyone was walking around the corner to walk to their stables. They were cutting the corner so walking straight into Murph's head, he was promptly pushing them with his head and they were going flying.

I walked the course and it was well up to height, with the spreads as spreads, you could dance around between the front and back pole. It was the biggest course he'd jumped.

He had 3 fences down but I was so pleased with him, he jumped very well. Attached are some pics. It starts on number 1556 and there are 3 more pics after that one so just push the arrow to the right.

Hope you like, any comments welcome. I'll add some more pics of the stables etc later on tonight. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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Oh WOW look at Murph go
he looks like he throughly enjoyed and could easily jump another foot higher!!! Glad you enjoyed many were in class at the end???


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
Maidstone Kent
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It was a big class, they gave prizes to 10th place. Think there were 40 seniors approx. Not sure how many Juniors. Not many clears though. In the class before there were only 4 senior clears. Not suprised. Why is it that the jumps look so small on camera and so big when you are walking the course?

Yes Murph had a wonderful time. He wanted to go home though, he charged into the trailer. Bonnie missed us both and was very very pleased to see us both home.


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
Maidstone Kent
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It was only supposed to be .80 so not big at all. But it was built big and wide (if you know what I mean). I did measure some jumps against me and (sad I know) measured it when I got home and it read .85 or so.