Ulcers - fish experts please!


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21 April 2007
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We have a 6x5 metre pond and recently OH ordered some goldfish and baby koi online. I have to say I was a bit apprehensive about them coming through the post, and unfortunately I was right to be, as the whole lot came out in ulcers. The koi are housed in an aquarium at the moment as they are too small to go outdoors but the goldies are in the pond. Ph, nitrate, ammonia are all fine and bizarrely the koi have all completely healed without any intervention.

However the goldfish have just got worse, several have died already. I've just been out to try and catch one to treat, missed and accidentally caught one of the two original fish who also now have ulcers! I have set up a quarantine tank with a filter and my plan is to treat each with iodine on a cotton bud as and when I catch them, then put in the quarantine tank for in-water treatment. But I keep reading conflicting things about medication. Can anyone suggest a good ulcer treatment to add to the water?

Also, even though pond conditions all test fine, are they likely to get the ulcers again once they go back in the pond? I'm guessing it originated in a parasite or bacterial infection originally, could that lie dormant while the fish are out of the pond???


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
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OH has said, he would treat the pond with a full course of anti parasite and anti fungus and bacterial treatment. Use one at a time. That should get rid of anything in the pond. He also said using marine salt in the pond wouldn't hurt, and this can also go in the tanks with the fish.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Do you have a koi specialist or a good aquatic store locally who could have a look at a dead fish for you? Maybe ask Bolton aquarium? Ulcers can be viral as well as the above causes. Better to find out what you are dealing with.