

Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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I stable my horse a t a fairly large livery yard which I quite like as theres a real mixture of people and always someone to hack out with. Anyway we've had a revamp over the summer and theres some new stables gone up and some new liveries arriving. Anyway I'd noticed a new lady who was actually arriving before me on a morning (ie before 6!) with her little mare looks like a TB she said she was 10 years old and she'd bought her for hacking. At the weekend I arrived super early to hack out on Saturday and noticed her riding in the arena. When I returned she was in the tea room and I asked how she'd gotten on, she said the mare couldn't trot at the tme I kind of dismissed this as I thought she meant she had a bad trot or something.

Sorry this is so long... anyway last night my friend at the yard told me the mare is off to be retrained at a TB racehorse rehab yard as the lady fell off. Further into the conversation it turned out the lady had bought her afer only riding once and not doing anything other than walk, had her vetted and bought her I asked if she'd been ridden for the vet to check her wind but she said she wasn't there so didn't know. I (rudley) asked how much she'd paid - £1300 ouch!!! The lady was shocked at my reaction and said she thought she'd got a good deal so as politely as possible I said I thought it was allot for a unsuitable horse.

I find the whole thing really quite shocking and this is not the first person on our yard to have this sort of experience. Owning a horse is such a huge commitment I just can't belive people would take such crazy risks. However I commend the lady for recognising her mistake and at least taking steps to try and rectify the situation its just such a shame. I just wondered what you'd all think am I just overreacting??


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25 March 2003
East Anglia
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Well sounds like one of the happier tales to me the lady has learnt her lesson quickly and fairly painlessly and the horse is set for a good future.

Yep that story actually cheers me up a bit. (Well that I after Christmas I shall be looking for a cheep horse and it's nice to hear they do exist! Magazine make yout hink the current starting price is £5000)

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Well yes, then again no..if you follow me. She has bought the horse without knowing very much, can't be sure it isn't right for her yet as it has just moved, etc,etc..it could be fine. She has taken it to a large livery yard so there should be plenty of experience and company about (good move), the horse isn't a youngster so could handle a bit of inexperienced messing around with, possibly.

this isn't a total recipe for disaster, and there may be an instructor or other support you don't know about? I think it would be a shame if she was written off as an idiot and her horse sold, when all she may need is a little help

She may not have made the wisest start, but we all have to start somewhere


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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No your not-seen it all before sadly....at least as you say seen sense to call it a day...sad really that any horse can be sold to anyone!


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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I not sure she'll sell the mare, from what she said I think the rehab yard will access her and if possible reschool her or will rehome her appropriately. She then told me she'd had 5 homes in the last 2 years. Theres no denying the woman is a real novice but I haven't written her off as an idiot she seems to have her head screwed on and has proved her self very devoted she works full time like me and seems to be around whenever I'm at the yard. I think my point is with a little more thought this experience could've been avoided and saved any upheaval for the horse and injury on the riders side. I think its quite sad the mare has been passed from pillar to post for whatever reason and I hope this time she gets an appropriate and long term home by however means.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Hopefully she will make some friends at this yard who will steer her towards something suitable (although nobody can make her do that). It is actually the horse I feel for in all of this, no wonder she came off it...


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Poor woman, sounds like she's been had. It sounds like she cares and wants to put things right. If the people at the yard have time, perhaps they could help support and educate her. Maybe suggest lessons, or a nice riding holiday so that she can learn.

Loads of people love horses and go into it blind, its the sellers fault (they simply didnt care).

I know when you get someone like this on a yard, they are a bit of a problem because they need help/time/advise, but its an age old problem. She may be better finding a yard where she can get the support she needs and they can sort her horse out.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Each to their own...at least she has realised her mistake and is doing something positive about it now. Hopefully they will be alright together otherwise she could sell and get something more suitable with more approriate help (you lot at the yard or an instructor).
I must admit to knowing a couple who have been having riding lessons twice a week at a school for 6 months, not done any hacking or horse care and they have just bought a 4 year old ex racer tb and have it on full working livery at the place they ride at! It is a bit crazy really but they figure that better riders than them will at least be riding the horse in between and 'schooling' it for them! Not my cup a tea...but that's up to them!