Well-Known Member
Just to get maybe a small idea of what to expect, I thought I would ask in here for some advice.
My mare has been feeling rubbish lately, but it started about a month ago.
She was hopping lame and had a very swollen leg. Vet came out thinking it was an abscess but didn't like the swelling more. She was put on Trimediazine and danilon. Then the following Friday ( a week later) she had spasmodic colic. Vet came out and gave Finadine and Buscapan and she seemed better. Following Wednesday, still not right so vet back out, took bloods and gave more meds.
Bloods came back as very high liver figures, very low white blood cell count, low temperature and very down in herself.
She is booked in to the hospital for a liver scan and a liver biospy.
I know the scan and biopsy is just a day patient job. Will I get the results there and then? Its a 3hr drive to take her down and shes such a stressy traveller, she doesn't eat when travelling.
Just trying to figure this all out in my head.
Thanks, any advice welcome.
Just to get maybe a small idea of what to expect, I thought I would ask in here for some advice.
My mare has been feeling rubbish lately, but it started about a month ago.
She was hopping lame and had a very swollen leg. Vet came out thinking it was an abscess but didn't like the swelling more. She was put on Trimediazine and danilon. Then the following Friday ( a week later) she had spasmodic colic. Vet came out and gave Finadine and Buscapan and she seemed better. Following Wednesday, still not right so vet back out, took bloods and gave more meds.
Bloods came back as very high liver figures, very low white blood cell count, low temperature and very down in herself.
She is booked in to the hospital for a liver scan and a liver biospy.
I know the scan and biopsy is just a day patient job. Will I get the results there and then? Its a 3hr drive to take her down and shes such a stressy traveller, she doesn't eat when travelling.
Just trying to figure this all out in my head.
Thanks, any advice welcome.