OMG thats about 2mins from where our horses are! and we have bout 20! they were spotted in Curbar earlyer this week! trying to take photos of a girl and her pony off our yard, but were stoped by parent! I hope they catch them soon!
Im really scared now! all of ours are out in fields atm!
It is NOT old news i'm afraid! Derbyshire horsewatch update - "There have been three further attacks on horses in the Eyam and Stoney Middleton area, one of which resulted in a fatality".
Believe me it is old news Hence why it's been taken off the horse watch site!!! WE emailed hope valley riding club to ask this and they replied saying it is OLD news!
yes but it was may 27th of last year! email hope valley riding club and ask them thats what we have done and they replied it's old news and have removed it from the site to avoid confusion with the steel to order gang.
Would i be sayin this if it was happening I live 2 mins down the road hence the getting it checked out!
The thing is though hun, hopevalley said they would keep their website updated with news. The Original note said about the sightings of the men, basically the text that was going round. I then checked the website everyday and this update was put on. I did a post about it as soon as I had seen it. So either it is all one big coincidence or Hopevalley are getting the facts completely wrong. I printed it straight off to put on the my yard notice board as an updated. I've got the copy here.
well i have emailed hope valley and they said it was old news! Why would i lie about that? im looking out for the safety of our horses which live 2mins down the road over 20 of them!
The thing about the steel to order gang, these men is true thats happening!
but the thing about the attacks on horses is defiantly old news! and hope valley have told us this!
there have been no attacks on horses this year, that was all last year!