Update: Mollie's new yard!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Here's how we're getting on, for all you lovely folk who've asked. :):)

I now have transport arranged. The farmer at Moll's present yard has agreed to transport her to the new place on Friday. I shall miss him and his wife so much, they are two of the nicest people I know. I felt choked up when it came to telling him I'm going. :(

Their farm is beautiful, but just not right for me and Mollie.

However, I'm feeling good about the new place. I prepared Mollie's stable there today and started moving her stuff across. The yard was full of people, all day, with their horses tethered outside being groomed, or riding in and out of the yard. Lovely, busy, atmosphere, it's how I remember the yards of my youth. The girls told me the hacking's brilliant round there, and I don't think I'll be short of hacking buddies once we're settled.

I've also now met the livery owner who the YO recommended might help me with Mollie. She's a student instructor (final year) and has already offered to ride Mollie, school her if needed, and give me lessons to get over our problems. She'll also hang up a haynet/bring in/turn out Moll for me when I'm at work when needed, which is a great weight off my mind. I do 24 hour shifts, sometimes I just cannot get to the yard.

I'm feeling happier and more positive than I have for months. I'm so looking forward to settling Mollie and really doing stuff with her at last.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2011
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Sounds very positive Fiona. I think you have really made the right choice for you and Mollie and are giving it every chance to work. Good on you. Let us know how it goes. x


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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That sounds great, hope the move goes well.
What area have you moved too. Just wondering if we are neighbours!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Have been waiting to see this update - you know where I am if ever you need another pair of eyes :)

I would love you to come and meet Mollie sometime now that there's somewhere to ride her. Once she's settled, we must arrange something!

Thanks for your comments folks. Yes I am excited. I'm really hoping ths will be a turning point for Molls and me. :D:D


Well-Known Member
26 September 2010
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Great news, sounds ideal for you both.
Good luck and all the best for the new yard, fingers crossed for a smooth move!


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
North West
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It sounds like a really fabulous yard :D sounds great and hope it all goes smoothley :)

what on earth is your job to do 24 hour shifts?! Lol! U hard working woman x


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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so nice to hear you all excited about your move and the possibilities it opens up for you and mollie:D genuinely pleased for you and looking forward to more excited happy posts in the future:)

Paddy Irish

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Here's how we're getting on, for all you lovely folk who've asked. :):)

I now have transport arranged. The farmer at Moll's present yard has agreed to transport her to the new place on Friday. I shall miss him and his wife so much, they are two of the nicest people I know. I felt choked up when it came to telling him I'm going. :(

Their farm is beautiful, but just not right for me and Mollie.

However, I'm feeling good about the new place. I prepared Mollie's stable there today and started moving her stuff across. The yard was full of people, all day, with their horses tethered outside being groomed, or riding in and out of the yard. Lovely, busy, atmosphere, it's how I remember the yards of my youth. The girls told me the hacking's brilliant round there, and I don't think I'll be short of hacking buddies once we're settled.

I've also now met the livery owner who the YO recommended might help me with Mollie. She's a student instructor (final year) and has already offered to ride Mollie, school her if needed, and give me lessons to get over our problems. She'll also hang up a haynet/bring in/turn out Moll for me when I'm at work when needed, which is a great weight off my mind. I do 24 hour shifts, sometimes I just cannot get to the yard.

I'm feeling happier and more positive than I have for months. I'm so looking forward to settling Mollie and really doing stuff with her at last.

Really pleased for you and mollie , it's good to hear positive livery stories as there always seems to be so many people who are unhappy with their lot. At least by the time spring comes round , mollie will be well settled and ready for enjoying all that new hacking with your new buddies..Have a great xmas Al & Paddy x


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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what on earth is your job to do 24 hour shifts?! Lol! U hard working woman x

I support severely learning disabled adults in their own homes, what used to be called "care in the community". We sleep in, I start at 10am and work till 11am the next day.

I'm working xmas eve into xmas day this year, but already got Moll's care covered at the new yard. Such a relief.


Well-Known Member
9 February 2009
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The very best of luck to you & Mollie, i will bet money on it that you will be posting about your hacking/schooling/competing adventures come Spring.

Sounds like a positive move.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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i will bet money on it that you will be posting about your hacking/schooling/competing adventures come Spring.

First two, I hope so! Competing?? I very much doubt it.... I've never competed at anything in my life and I think that might just go for Mollie too. :D

I'll be very happy to finally enjoy hacking again though. :)


Well-Known Member
9 February 2009
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First two, I hope so! Competing?? I very much doubt it.... I've never competed at anything in my life and I think that might just go for Mollie too. :D

I'll be very happy to finally enjoy hacking again though. :)

Same here, i find competitions stressful enough when my daughter is competing, but........ i had the opportunity to do a Le Trec competition & absolutley loved it, as far as i am concerned that is competing lol, might be something you could have a look at in the future?


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Same here, i find competitions stressful enough when my daughter is competing, but........ i had the opportunity to do a Le Trec competition & absolutley loved it, as far as i am concerned that is competing lol, might be something you could have a look at in the future?

I think it's the stress of competing which puts me off the idea. I know some people thrive on the adrenalin, but I don't think I'll ever be one of them!

I'll have to look up Le Trec.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Great news, sounds ideal for you both.
Good luck and all the best for the new yard, fingers crossed for a smooth move!

The move was today, and went okay but wasn't exactly smooth! :rolleyes:

I arrived in the morning with travelling boots (kindly lent by someone at new yard). When I tried to put them on Mollie, she ran to the back of the stable, pooed herself, and stood there shivering. The last time she wore some, she did a nine hour journey from Scotland and I think she remembered.

Getting her into the trailer was hellish. It was only the firm but gentle assistance of the farmer/YO which got her in, eventually. If she thought it would be another nine hour journey, she must have been surprised when ten minutes later she was getting out at her new home.

She's explored her new field with some miniature Shetlands (they weren't supposed to be there but are so small they duck under the fences :D), had a graze, rolled in a lot of mud and is tonight bedded down in her new stable.

Happy Christmas everyone, from Mollie and me. :):):)


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Fab news! :D

I know what you mean about the travelling - my boy is great in trailers but gets upset/sweaty in lorries (though loads fine into both). I do honestly think he associates lorries with long journeys (of which he has had a few) and trailers with going out for a jolly hack or to a competition!

Hope Mollie settles in quickly and you can get out riding soon :)


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Fantastic news... hope it goes well, sounds like you have a top class supportive bunch on your new yard :D Now DO NOT think you can leave it too long until you post pictures ;) Hope you and mollie have a fantastic christmas and new year x