Update on fainting horse


Well-Known Member
2 October 2006
Just whistle
Well Jack has been on his steroids for 6 weeks and has not had an episode the whole time, he came off the pills last week and had another set of blood tests that have come back completely clear and his white blood cell count is up, so it looks like it was some sort of infection- phew
However there is a chance the steroids could have covered up some other reason so he has to have another set of tests in a month - not so phew!
The vet is happy for me to start some slow lunging and ground work in the mean time and it is up to me if I want to get back on board after that.
Thanks to all who replied and gave me support it helped a lot and I will let you all know when I get back on and how he goes.

Heres a pic of him all happy in the field today



Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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What a sweetheart he looks!
It's good news, isn't it, that it might have been an infection. I do hope that he is over it now, with nothing else to be found.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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Minerva this sounds a bit like the episodes I've had lately with Jim only his, that we saw, were when he was charging round in the field. Absolutely terrifying to watch & I'm still spending far too much tome watching him. I posted a couple of threads about it in this section if you're interested. I also seem to remember reading of another similar case on another forum, if I find it again I'll let you know.

My vet didn't mention any possible infection but did do x-rays of his neck, front feet & hocks, all of which were clear. There is also a theory, not supported by the vet, that it was related to his miracle collar - not as far fetched as it sounds if you know my lad. Jim is looking fine but not yet back in work as after he'd had the time off recommended by the vet he felt wrong under saddle so I had a back lady out who did a lot of work (vet had said his back looked fine!) & said to give him five days off, at which point he started coughing which is interesting given your vet's virus theory. Fingers crossed I'll be able to start riding again this week!

I hope it all goes well with Jack.


Well-Known Member
2 October 2006
Just whistle
Jack now lame! been up this morning and the greedy cobs next door had barged the electric fence down and he has bumps and nicks all over like he has been fighting! though he was in the next door field all by himself looking sorry so he was either chased away or just ran through then didn't want to go back over the fence, am every so slightly concerned he has fallen down again and injuries are self inflicted, but that me being paranoid!
Back with the vet, have just found out the white blood count is up to 1.6 and normal is 1.5 to 5.5 so not massively convinced by virus theory after all, guess I will just have to see how he goes and what the test shows next month, it is so frustrating.
Nari- jack has only gone down when very chilled in the field at the gate waiting to come in, it would send me into full blown panic if he was doing it while charging around (his absolute favorite pastime!) my instructor knows of another horse who has had a similar thing which was a virus and she is back riding and having lessons so that's encouraging news for us, let me know if you get back riding next week and GOOD LUCK


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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Full blown panic about sums up my reaction & like you if he comes in with a mark on him or his rug I'm terrified it's from a fall even though I've seen him charging around plenty of times without a wobble since his last fall. Sometimes I think I should give up horses & take up stamp collecting! My advice (to us both!) is try not to worry too much, sounds easy doesn't it?!

I'll let you know how I get on & (((hugs))) to you & Jack.