Well-Known Member
... she hates the taste of it ho hum! I started with eCalm because the reviews are good and it seems to have some evidence behind it. If I mix it in her feed she just leaves it though - I'm having to syringe it in mixed with apple sauce and I'm worried she'll go off the syringes too. I've tried starting with just a little in feed but not sure she will let me increase the amount. Next step is to get some mint to try and disguise the taste a bit more but for the long term I'm not sure if I should stick with this one or see if she prefers the taste of another e.g. the 'Max Gut Health' which seems to be along the same lines as this one. Further suggestions and views welcome!
The effect has been that she's generally calmer to handle, particularly noticeable in the stable, and much less spooky in the school. Over the moon about that, just need to work out a reliable way to get it/another one into her long term!
The effect has been that she's generally calmer to handle, particularly noticeable in the stable, and much less spooky in the school. Over the moon about that, just need to work out a reliable way to get it/another one into her long term!