Update on horse vetting.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Ok so vet came to vet my horse today and he failed.
Was lame but have put it down to him charging round field overnight as he was fine yesterday so a few days off i'm sure will sort it.

However vet was more concerned about his slight pigeon toe. This was really quite bad when i got him but with a fab farrier it is now very balanced and causes no problems. Vet says that there is a soft swelling to the front of his fetlock that although passed on the vetting she was not happy about it and advised new owners not to proceed. I'm not really sure what the problem was. He was not lame on this leg though and only slightly not even 1/10th i'd say on the other. But she seemed really concerned about the pigeon toe and fetlock which has never caused him any probs. I'm really upset for the people that wanted him they seemed so lovely and i know would have just adored him.

I've rung some of the other people that wanted to view him and have told them the situation one girl wants to look at him and has basically said she wants him before even seeing him. I've been really honset with her and i do expect her to make an offer on him as i know that the full price is unlikely becasue of the vetting. I'm not sure what to make of her though. She said that she knew i would call her back and say that the vetting hadn't gone according to plan. She's got 6 acres and a couple of stables and she wants him just to hack out and nothing else. She fell in love with the photos of him and isn't fussed about riding him before she buys. She said i can come and have look at where she will keep him prior to deciding. So she is coming up tomorrow eve but i am a little bit unsure about her. What do you guys think.

PS Sorry about waffling on but it was quite hard to explain.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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I would say: 'Go with your gut feelings'. I put Marius on loan to a lady who had other horses. I wasn't too sure about her, but went to see where he would be kept, etc. and it all looked fine. A few weeks later, all the other horses had gone except one. I took Maz away PDQ. If this girl hasn't even seen him, and wants him even though he has failed the vet, then I personally would be wary.


Well-Known Member
24 July 2006
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Go with your gut instinct, make sure you check her out and suggest loan if you feel you need to.
Good luck