Update on horse with leg damage


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Well the vet popped in on his way home last night. The problem is the extensor tendon. Injured either by over-extending or a blow or both....we believe both had something to do with it.

Anyway horse is fine and running sound now - lump is still there and vet says unless blistering is done, it may never truly go away. Owner asked about blistering and I told him - he has chosen not to go down this route, to which I am happy about. Cold hosing and liniment is the order of the day.

PS. Owner has had a transformation!! He has been incredibly nice and he is going for surgery which will mean he can't get down here for a month, so I thought it chirlish to ask him to leave. We'll see how it goes, perhaps he is just one of these dope-heads who needs to have things spelt out for him.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Yep, tendon is swollen and moved to a sideways position - that's why I was having difficulty understanding which ligament/tendon was involved LOL!! We were all thinking it was one of the side ligaments moving forward with swelling, when it was the front one moving back, DOH!

I feel a bit dim now though as I am sure I said to someone that it looks like his cannon bone has broken off to the side - obviously we knew that this had not happened but you'd think it would have spurred my mind into being rational!! Must have been a very blonde day!