UPDATE - On keeping horses on their own


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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My Last thread saying I decided to bring my horse back from a terrible house to live with me could have started WW3. LOL. My boy has been living on his own for 15 days now, from hearing people telling me how inexperienced and totally heartless I am for bringing him to live with me (In a CLEAN stable with HAY and WATER) but him being on his own. So we went out and found him a companion.

We found a black thoroughbred gelding going for 100 euros for meat. We saw him on tuesday, very nice with other horses not a bully at all. He is 21 Y/o. He was quite nervous of people but once we had stroked him he was really kind and not at all wary at all, happily stood there with us stroking him and checking him over. We hope to give him a happy home until his end and hope he will keep my boy company, but as they are both geldings and very nice with other horses I think they will get on very well, and hopefully as my boy doesn't get attached to other horses I won't have separation issues, and they will often be seperated as my boy is worked everyday.

YUP ! He is arriving next week ;)


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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What a lovely thing to do for both horses. Bet that old fella will think he's very lucky :)

Probably a good choice getting something older as well, i think they get less clingy than youngsters.

Let us know how it goes, we want photos of the new friends together :D


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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Will DEF Post piccies :D

The two black boys, one a french trotter, one a thoroughbred both 16.2hh so the same build. Thank god the new one has a white blaze or I think everyone would get them muddled up - LOL.


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1 June 2011
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aw sounds lovely! hope they get along well together :)

My horse lived on his own and was lovely now he lives with other horses is a little grumpy and anti social ;) :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Ooooohhh, a happy ending.

But now you'll have to get ANOTHER companion wont you??? :): for when you go out on your boy and have to leave the other (TB) on his own, coz he'll get all upset about that...... aw bless. LOL

Know what you mean about yours being fine on his own, mine is the same, OK either on his own or with his little mare. If I take little mare out he hoo's and haa's about it for about five minutes, then after that its head down and its a case of yippee I've got all this lovely grass to myself with no-one to boss me around!!

Now you'll have to find the time (and money!) to "do your two"!!


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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Lovely news to hear this and well done on giving an oldie a new home too :) I hope both your boys will be really happy together, bless you x
Looking forward to seeing the photos :)


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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My Last thread saying I decided to bring my horse back from a terrible house to live with me could have started WW3. LOL. My boy has been living on his own for 15 days now, from hearing people telling me how inexperienced and totally heartless I am for bringing him to live with me (In a CLEAN stable with HAY and WATER) but him being on his own. So we went out and found him a companion.

We found a black thoroughbred gelding going for 100 euros for meat. We saw him on tuesday, very nice with other horses not a bully at all. He is 21 Y/o. He was quite nervous of people but once we had stroked him he was really kind and not at all wary at all, happily stood there with us stroking him and checking him over. We hope to give him a happy home until his end and hope he will keep my boy company, but as they are both geldings and very nice with other horses I think they will get on very well, and hopefully as my boy doesn't get attached to other horses I won't have separation issues, and they will often be seperated as my boy is worked everyday.

YUP ! He is arriving next week ;)

this made me :D so glad another is saved hearbreaking he ended up there at 21 (although heartbreaking at any age)


Well-Known Member
12 November 2011
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I think an older companion is ideal. I am in a pickle now because the 2 horses on my yard have bonded to the extreme and I can't remove one from the other, but both are young and have various issues (one an orphan, the other been turned out alone since weaning).
If you do find anxiety rearing it's ugly head, a secure stable and a mirror may be your friend. We've found they are very effective and allow one horse to be worked while the other is in the box with it's reflective buddy and a haynet!


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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Will Post piccies when he gets here :D I really hope he will travel well, that's the only worry at the moment, hopefully he will though. I know once he is here he will hopefully be happy.

I did have some photos on my computer of him, will have to hunt them down to post !