Update on me and my new pony!


Well-Known Member
31 January 2011
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Before you read - please dont crit me! I have an instructor, im on an experienced yard, and although the majority of you are absoloutely lovely on here, i have had some comments in the past that have really hurt and i dont want to have that again please! :)
Now that that's over...

So i've officially had my boy about three weeks now!! Hasnt been asss perfect as i wanted it to be though because he was very difficult to ride, very strong, he kept bolting (getting 2 people off in 5 minutes :O ) and i really wasnt enjoying riding him. BUT his nature is just to die for!! Every time i go to him in the field or go to turn him out in the morning he whickers at me and walks over! I know its all cupboard love and has nothing to do with me, more like the carrots in my pocket but hes such a friendly chap!!

Luckily my friend down at the yard came to the rescue and lent me her rubber mouth pelham and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! its brilliant hes starting to work in a bit of an outline, his jumping is less gallop-full-speed-and-launch-it-from-three-strides-away-and-clear-it-by-at-least-half-a-metre its so much better!

I love him so much :D

Just a really short vid of us the other day - i am aware that he is a little over bent in the canter - im working on it (at one point he almost tripped over his head silly boy but hes much better already) and i am aware that it looks like i am pulling on his mouth - i was simply trying to raise my hands to 1) bring his head up a little and 2) steady him in the canter as much as i could!

**Seeing as i cant put a vid on here anymore :/ please go onto youtube and type into the search box 'horsemadgirl100 sail' its the first one and please do watch it! :)

:) xxxxx

(Again, no crit on the video :D)


Well-Known Member
20 December 2009
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He is lovely - and it's great to hear how much you love him and are enjoying him! Three weeks is no time at all and I'm sure you will have a very happy future together. Oh and good luck with keeping him clean during the winter!! xx