update on my boy


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Just a quick update about my gelding that i posted about last week.

( quick synopsis: horse coming back into work while still being on box rest since december 2008, prone to exploding - worried about him hurting himself/me and if the root cause was something else).

Things are looking better - the vet has been and cleared him to start 'proper' work, and turnout. He also flexed and trotted off sound which i wasnt expecting. There is still some residual swelling though, but im weaning him off the bandages now.

Hes been an absoloute lamb to turnout. The first day of t/o my OH and i walked him in 2 lunge reins up to his field (small section) and it was like he had been doing it every day. Not one hoof out of line and no shenanigans, just stuck his head down and ate. And hes been like that ever since.

Ive also put him on EA's Magnitude, but its not had an effect ( yet ) so ive been using EA's so-kalm plus, which i use for competitions anyway, and its had a noticeable effect.

Riding wise, hes just gotten better and better. Hes almost back to his old self, hes carrying himself better, going forwards mostly, and less on the forehand. We are only cantering on a (large) lunge circle at the moment because hes panicing about it and i want to build his confidence.

So there you go. I just also wanted to thank everyone who gave advice last week, which was quite a bleak time for me. It made me think and persevere with him, and it seems today we are reaping the rewards.

I bet now ive written this he will be awful tomorrow!