Update on my neglect case


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
Central Scotland
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Well, this morning I informed the owners of the poines I posted about yesterday that I'd managed to get a really good farrier to come out today and take the ponies shoes off and they were pretty rude. I was told in no uncertain terms that they would now sort it out themselves thank you very much. This was the wife I spoke to today and yesterday I was talking to her husband who was much more receptive.

Anyway, our nearest horsey charity is Bransby Home of Rest for horses and they were absolutley brilliant and arranged for the RSPCA to come out which took less than an hour (i've never known tha RSPCA be so efficient). Anyway, as they have now tethered the mare (they don't even have a stable for some box rest poor girl) and have arranged a vet to come out (alledgely, we'll wait and see) the Inspector said he could do nothing more. He is obviously very frustrated and has his hands tied but now the poor pony has been left wit noone who really cares about her. I have no idea what to do next, I'm worried that they won't really call a vet, she is tethered with no shelter on a windy exposed river bank with chronic laminitis, a foot infection and horrific shoeing (they told the inspector that the farrier came last week which he blatantly hasn't). What more can I do? I am actually going to cry soon and I wish some lovely person would just come in the night with a trailer and whisk her away. I almost wish that they would just put her out of her misery.

Who knows, they might get the vet out, build some stables and a field shelter but I doubt it very much. Aaaggghhhh, if only I had a bit of money I cold give them such a wonderful home. OK, rant over, there's nothing i can do I will just have to get on with it. If anyone has any advice, do let me know.

Love Jules


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Speak to the ILPH! Im sure they can do more than the RSPCA!
Try it, it might help. Otherwise get in your car attach the trailer and take the horse yourself, after arranging a secure field for it somewhere.
I cant bear to hear of things like this its pure cruelty and the owners should be hung up!


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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To be fair I am not sure what the ILPH will do that the RSPCA havent already done. The pony has restricted grazing now and the owners have said they will get veterinary treatment. The only thing that needs to happen now is that the RSPCA should do a return visit in a day or two to check the action has been taken - have they said they will be making a return visit?


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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But havent they tightened up the law on tethering. Id try the ILPH anyway but dont take the pony away yourself on any account-its called theft. Hope something is sorted out asap. Keep your eye on the situation and if it gets worse call the police-maybe that will get the owners to do something .Chin up, youre doing all that you can. Proud of you, Mairi.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2002
ILPH & RSPCA are as bad as each other dont do nothing unless its on deaths door and in the case of over weight neglected horse they are pathetic, i juts keep my nose out, as to be honnest the relatiation you get is not worth it ! Yes im a horse lover, but dont u notice how bad things always happen to looked after horses and people that dont care nothing happens.............