Update on selling horse


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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So the last people that wanted him had him vetted and that went pear shaped as i explained in my last post. My horse is definatly not lame, have done some prelim dressage on him and got over 60% which i'm sure would be impossible on a lame horse!!! So I wrang the other person that wanted him and she's been on hoilday so have only just managed to chat to her. She has recently been stung by a dealer who sold her a horse obviously on hi levels of bute that has now been diagnosed as chronically lame and is being PTS tomorrow
. She didn't get him vetted and is obviously paying the price now. Anyway although she loves my boy and thinks he is ideal for her she is obviously wary due to vet stating he was lame at last vetting and does not feel that she can go through having him vetted just to find out the same thing. I can understand why she is wary and have had a good chat to her and suggested a 3-6 month loan at my yard (which is where she wanted to keep him anyway) with a view to buy after the winter. She seems interested but I am unsure where she will stand with insurance. Can i change the insurance into her name? And waht do you guys think of this arrangement. I wasn't going to buy another horse till the spring anyway and I'm really just feeling now that I need some time out plus it will also give me some time to save the pennies for a new ned. The upside is that she will have him on part livery at the same yard as me so I can keep a close eye on both and give advice where necessary. What do you very wise people think.

Thanks again (I never thought that this would be so hard!!)


Well-Known Member
5 May 2006
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Sounds an ideal solution for you! Re the insurance, you can keep it in your name but advise your insurers that she will be the day to day carer & rider of the horse. That way at least you know he is still insured. Obviously you could charge her the cost of the premium if you wanted.

I hope it all works out for you!


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
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I would keep the insurance in your name, and pay for it yourself... I'm imagining it cant be all that much, mines £20 a month. That way surely if anything happens you will get the money and you know horsey is covered


Well-Known Member
26 August 2005
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Sounds like a good arrangement!

One thing I would say to consider though - what happens if the horse becomes injured etc whilst she has it on the loan period? Can you afford to look after a potentially useless horse if she then 'gives' him back to you?

Would it be possible for her to perhaps buy him, but you have a written agreement that if in 6 months he's not suitable for her you'd buy him back?