Update on Shoulder/Lameness.....


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Haven't been around much lately - been selling houses and dealing with sick horse!

Farrier came back out to take off the other 3 shoes and suggested trying him unshod. So after getting over the intermittent lameness (cleared up and I think was probably a pull) he goes footsore....not sure how many of you have tried your horses barefoot but it's a horrible sight! Had him on bute for a couple of days to get him over the initial soreness.

He was fine in the field by Sunday so tacked him up and took him out the common behind us. Hasn't been ridden in 3 weeks due to shoulder....once on the grass his gait picked up and at the bottom of the hill (where we usually ahem have a bit of a blow out) his head went in and we were bunny hopping down the path! Can't say I've ever been so pleased that a horse has wanted to bugger off with me!

Shouted at him and he calmed down and managed to walk but what a relief that touch wood I think he's on the mend.....going to take it easy now and build him back up with just walk and trot.

Kind of pointless but just wanted to share.....his feet seem to be holding up well too - obviously not got typical TB feet! x