Update on the old Horse

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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Well, I could have predicted this, but there you go.

No change what so ever. The leg is still swollen, still a small lump still oozing some (not much) pus, still sore to touch, particually since the original pain killer injection has worn off, and now finished the AB's, the leg isn't going to heal in a flash is it? Slightly warm to touch, but not as hot as it was originally.
The Horse is losing some hair around the 'wound', its all dead hair and flakey skin - and it stinks! Smells like an old dead mouse. Nice.
The only good thing is that when he walks around his little yard, he is sound.

He isn't eating up, just a few mouthfuls here and there. He picks at his hay and drinks about a bucket of water in 24 hours.

A nice, very kindly donated rug arrived yesterday (thankyou SO much HHO member). It fits him well, he has worn it, he appreciated it - gone up in the world of 'poshness' - a Rambo!
However, his eyes are tired and he really does look sad. He is missing my girls. Will be ages though before he can go back out I feel.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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This was the horse that is owned by a family memeber isnt it? In the ideal world I would phone them up and see if I could get them down for a vet inspection and raise the subject of PTS.

This must be so hard for you. What does the vet think between him/her and you?

So difficult when family is involved but ultimately sounds as if the old fellas immune system isnt up to healing this one.

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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This was the horse that is owned by a family memeber isnt it? In the ideal world I would phone them up and see if I could get them down for a vet inspection and raise the subject of PTS.

This must be so hard for you. What does the vet think between him/her and you?

So difficult when family is involved but ultimately sounds as if the old fellas immune system isnt up to healing this one.

Yes, owned by family member. (I've changed my user name!) The old Horse is 31 now. I've said all along (even going back several years) that if he should get an injury or look 'old and worn' he should be PTS. I have made it quite clear that I do not want to see a sad repeat of the owners old horse, left down in the field because he left him too long in old age.
My biggest worry is that this will go on too long. Horses immune system can't be working well now, you don't expect it to tbh. It can't be nice for him.
Still, he loves his polos and cuddles and always gives me a 'Black Beauty' style whinny when I go to the stables. :)


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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I couldn't bear this, I would do the decent thing and deal with the family member as appropriate when he kicked off.

Agreed! What a sad situation this old boy is in, good job he has you looking out for him OP x
TBH I would think about calling WHW or get someone else to and report a neglected horse. I know it would be traumatic but if they come out and see the situation and how the horse actually is they should ask to speak to the owner and it may just give them a kick up the backside to do the right thing! Have seen this done with someone, it worked. Horse was no longer suffering in the end but it should have been pts months beforehand, only the blinkered owners could not or did not want to see it. Sometimes I think you just have to bite the bullet, bugger the consequences and do the right thing. Good luck OP x


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I'd be more than a little worries about septicaemia. The smell must be infection. If that gets into his bloodstream (and from how you describe his demanour, it sounds like he might have some chronic, low-grade something going on already) well, it won't be pleasant for anyone - least of all him. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear :(


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
North West
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Could everyone please stop encouraging the OP to put this horse to sleep! I applaud all she does for him, but we only ever hear one side of a story on posts like this.

I would be furious and devastated if somebody took an important decision like this out of my hands, because they felt that they know better.

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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Could everyone please stop encouraging the OP to put this horse to sleep! I applaud all she does for him, but we only ever hear one side of a story on posts like this.

I would be furious and devastated if somebody took an important decision like this out of my hands, because they felt that they know better.

I understand that this is a one sided story, obviously my family member isn't on here to defend their actions. But, family member is a very old fashioned sort, and even sometimes he can't explain his actions. He is, however more and more grateful for my input on this and how Horse is part of my herd. I'd like to think I'm slowly getting there, but as always these things take time. I'm just worried that with time, things will get worse.


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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Could everyone please stop encouraging the OP to put this horse to sleep! I applaud all she does for him, but we only ever hear one side of a story on posts like this.

I would be furious and devastated if somebody took an important decision like this out of my hands, because they felt that they know better.

Yes I agree completely about the latter, however according to the posts I have the read the 'real' owner needs to grow a pair and stop letting this horse suffer. Whether that means pts is irrelevant. Fact is they should be doing more as it doesn't seem as though they are.
Without saying too much on here I know of some horses that were being neglected by owners, even though the blinkered people didn't think that they were. One horse in particular was suffering, visibly so. Authorities were involved and the horse eventually pts. Had the owners taken better care of an older horse in the first place and had its dietary and medical needs met in the first place it would not have got to the stage that it did. Money was not an issue, just ignorance.
Some times some people cannot see what is plain neglect right in front of their own eyes and others don't see it because they are in awe of the owners believing them to be something they are not.
No horse should suffer for whatever reason!
If the authorities get involved in this then they can determine with vet advice whether it is worth carrying on with the treatment of this old boy. An outsiders perspective is very much needed in this case.


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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I got a spray from the local shop a week ago (Leucillin or something its called) and its really gentle, can spray it anywhere (even in their eyes it says :eek: ) and I've been spraying it on our old boy, who's had some balding,scabby patches recently. Its meant to kill bacteria so keeps wounds clean.

I think we just didn't realise how warm it was, and he got too hot in his 200gm rug. He had a tea tree bath (on a 15 degree day before xmas!), was de loused, and now I spray this on him. He had a horrid wound in his groin area, which I'll be honest, I didn't notice for a while - he is very hairy, and its well hidden! but this spray seemed to clean it up nicely, the skin is doing really well.

Anyways, thought it might be worth a shot, I'll probably be using it on lots of injuries from now on.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2009
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please get help for this boy one way or the other, this is now becoming cruel, not sure if you are trying to prove a point OP.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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Could everyone please stop encouraging the OP to put this horse to sleep! I applaud all she does for him, but we only ever hear one side of a story on posts like this.

I would be furious and devastated if somebody took an important decision like this out of my hands, because they felt that they know better.

I would agree if the owner was being an active part of the care, but he has to all intents abandoned the horse and therefore should give the OP the full authority to use her judgement.