Update on 'what do you do(rearing)' and naughty pony!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Well, today Sister, lets call her X took the mare to a 2"6 ODE. She went well, a little fast dressage and SJ, but clear and was 8/30 after them. She then did the XC( a strong 2"6) and after a slightly wobbly start( X out of balance) went clear the whole way round.
As for the water, it was a tiny drop in, the mare hesitated a little, no more than a normal horse and went straight in and out over a jump. So all in all very pleased, no hint of rearing and ended up 5th! So in 2 weeks, doing the 2"9 at another venue she's not been to so will see how that goes! I do believed both X and mare were more confident though so positive all round!

Onto naughty pony who likes to play 'how to get my rider off'. After squaling, bucking and cantering every time I asked him to trot, he did a reasonably good dressage test (rememebring he hasn't actually DONE any dressage schooling for 5months as I thought it was a two phase and have only galloped, hacked and jumped him since he came in from the field) above the bit the entire time but not too strong for him and was accurate and did nice circles so was 5/13 with a 31.6 after that! Did a clear SJ, a bit tired at the start but soon livened up to jump clear!
Then we went round the XC and he promptly tried to duck out of the first fence! Luckily I held him in, smacked him one and off he went at a fgood gallop. He was AMAZING, clearing everything by miles, galloping on, being bold and generally brilliant! He even cantered down the drop into water, which for him is a big step from getting eliminated at every water!!! We had one silly stop where I stopped driving him and relaxed and he got bogged down and by this stage( fence 16) he was wrecked so I forgave him that. He then finished wonderfully, although I slowed up at one point as he was shattered!
When the scores went up, discovered we had ended up 4th in the 2"3, and
had 7.2 time penalties for being too fast! Which means we were 33seconds UNDER the optimum time......oops!
Very pleased with him however, and will just have to get him actually fit now!