

Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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Morning guys

Firstly id like to say thanks to everyone for all your replies to my post on saturday night about my new horse. And also thanks to everyone who PM'd me and left me messages on here, its much appreciated

I must say that im a much happier bunny than i was on saturday evening, and i must also say that Tia hit the nail on the head with her reply to my post. Poor Archie is just scared by all his new surroundings - when he was in holland obviously he just lived indoors the whole time and never saw a field. When he was imported over here his current owners kept him in a massive indoor stable, which had a corridor that led to the indoor school. He got turned out for an hour each day and that was it - no way for a horse to live. There was only two other horses where he was before and he never got to socialise with them. Im not saying he was treated badly, but this was just the way she chose to keep her horses.

Obviously when he came to my busy yard on saturday in a horse box (which hes never been in before, always travelled in a trailer) he was totally overwhelmed. I shouldnt have pushed him like i did and im furious with myself for making him so scared and forcing the situation on him.

hes the most gentle and kind horse ive ever handled in the stable and i know with time hes going to trust me and he really will be my dream horse. he went out in his new field for the whole day yesterday and had a lovely time meeting all his new friends over the fence. hes just facinated by other horses as hes never mixed with them before. his stable is perfect for him as i can open his back window through which he can see the arena and all the horses up in the fields, plus everything thats going on down on the yard - and all the horses are led past him too - so he can really get used to his new busy life.

Hes got his injections tonight so he will be going out in the field later for a couple of hours to stretch his legs and then he will be out all day tomorrow and i will lunge him tomorrow night.

Il keep you all posted on how it goes - once again thanks to everyone xx


Well-Known Member
21 February 2006
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Don't beat yourself up - some horses prefer to get into their new routines as soon as possible. Here's hoping that things are on the up for the both of you. x


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
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Fingers crossed for you PG! I just read your original post when I got into work and my heart sank. So glad that he seems to be settling now.

For what its worth, my five year old was imported from Holland where he had lived in a similar situation to yours. He was rarely turned out, and then imported to a dressage dealers yard where he was pushed very hard to get him ready to be sold. When I bought him he was very confused and a bit scared. It took a while to get his trust, but now he is a much happier horse. He now loves going out (every day, but he still hates getting wet) - and while I still have him alone in a paddock, he is starting to show interest in other horses and will soon be joined by a friend. He had been pushed very hard in his schooling and was scared - if I asked him to do something he didn't quite understand he would just set his neck and take off sideways across the school (luckily no bucking). We've gone right back to basics, done lots of hacking (which he now adores), and he is starting to do some really lovely work.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that once he learns that he can trust you, I'm sure he will really shine. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
23 April 2006
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PG - now knowing a little more about your horse's background and introduction to the world I can see why he has a confidence issue, yes it will take time but I'm sure you already know that, but both you and he have that time and what a special partnership you will have at the end of it.

I'm sure I speak for everyone on here PG - good luck with your dream pony

Now can we have some piccies of the man himself


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I missed all this due to a frazzling weekend but I'm glad you seem to have got through your problems and your new horse sounds a bit of a saint!
You know what they say - patience is a virtue - and it's what you need in bucketloads with new horses; I'm sure in a few days he will have relaxed in his new home and you can start work!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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That's great news P_G...sounds very similar to the sort of life Bo came from before landing on our busy yard lol! He still has his limits about how long he will tolerate being turned out for, and much prefers to be in stable watching the world go by I think, but he has adapted and i'm sure yours will too


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I wasn't on over the weekend so didn't see your other post. I'm so glad your new boy is settling in now.

When i first got my horse you may recall she was a total psycho!!! She had lived out in a field for 4years, brought, taken to a new yard, broken in, clipped then sent to a schooling livery where she hardly ever got turned out all within 6 months!! Then i brought her and the pressure was just too much. She kicked sh*t out of her stable and it had to be re-built 3 times, you couldn't turn the others out without her otherwise she would become a horse possessed and no-one could get near her and if you brought her in without the others she used to call, shake and sweat until you turned her back out. She also used to start broncing down the school for no reason at all and without warning. She is 17hh so i was determined not to hit the deck.

After nearly 3 months she is getting better and better each day, she no longer kicks sh*t out of her stable, she no longer rodeo's with me and when she is brought in without the others she now just fidgets and calls occassionally. We also make sure we turn her out first not to upset her and its seems to be working. Think the big turning point was when we took her to her first show and she came back home instead of being moved on again. She honestly has not put a foot wrong in over a month now although i would say she is still not settled fully.

I know the situation is slightly different to yours but i really do think you are right and he is just overwhelmed by it all as was my horse. He will soon start to settle and you will have the horse of your dreams like i have.

Good luck and keep us updated


Well-Known Member
2 September 2005
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Hey P_G, was wondering how you were getting on, glad to hear that you have found out a bit more about him and can see light at the end of the tunnel. He's lucky to have found someone who will help him find his feet


Well-Known Member
7 September 2005
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That's fantastic news P_G. I'm really so happy to hear that he has started settling him. It sounds like he'll just keep improving. I think you're 100% right that he just needs to settle and get used to his new environment. He was probably just shell shocked. He sounds like a real sweetie from way you describe his behaviour so i'm sure that he will be fantastic


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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That's great to hear. I'm so pleased that he is beginning to settle.

Please don't beat yourself up about riding him - I generally ride all my new horses within a few hours of them arriving too......not your fault......just one of those things.

I have my fingers crossed that he does work out well for you and he overcomes his anxieties.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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so pelased you didn't send him back - he sounds like a sweetheart and a lot of change can be so hard for them to deal with...

onwards and upwards!!!

Pics please & regular progress reports!