
New User
28 September 2006
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Can someone please give me some advice. After spending 7 lovely years on a full livery yard in Wawne, I decided to move my gelding and mare onto a DIY yard in the same area as my gelding had an operation and couldn't be ridden so I thought I would save some money. The `yard' that we went to looked wonderful. The stables themselves were brand new and the owner promised us the earth but there was still a hell of a lot of work to be carried out on the yard itself to make it safe. He had no idea on fire safety and I even produced a fire procedure and even supplied the fire extinguishers as he had no intention of getting them. He took £100 bond money from me and stated that I would have to give 4 weeks notice if I wanted to leave, that was only if the stables were full at the time which is fair enough. I have just left a professional yard and I only had to give a weeks notice as a matter of courtesy and I didn't have to pay a bond either. The DIY yard that I went to was like a building site but the owner promised that he would rectify this almost immediately and get it cleared up. After mentioning a variety of issues relating to the serious health and safety issues of the yard and also the issue of a 17 year old (more like 12 year old) who had 2 stallions on the yard of which she certainly couldn't manage, having never owned a horse/pony in her life, I decided to move on as I could not put either my horses, myself or my teenage daughter at risk. It got to the point where a child of no more than 18 months old was running and screaming around in a nappy and a pair of wellies right behind my horses! The owner refused to do anything about it, the health and safety issues or the issue re the stallions so I decided that I must move on quickly within a week as any decent responsible horse owner would. Having checked with the local planning department I found that the stables had not even had planning permission. Also, after speaking to several other people, they also had not received their £100 bond money back and had also told them that they had got behind on their rent money, as he did to me also. I was in fact a week in advance and am in a well paid job unlike his other two liveries. He even denied even knowing one of his liveries. Some people who have their horses on DIY struggle to afford to keep them at the best of times, without being ripped off by unscrupulous yard owners like this (this is my first and last experience of this hopefully). I am now at a lovely yard and both of my horses are extremely happy and we have excellent facilities already in place unlike the last yard. How can planning applications go through for livery yards without the owners having no plans to get a manager in or having no previous experience themselves - grhhh! BE WARNED SO IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO YOU.


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4 October 2003
New Forest
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What advice are you after? I've never heard of bond money being required, suggest you just chalk this up to experience and walk away. You could report them to planning authorities if you really want too, not sure how much they will actually do about it, depends on the area and "who" they are largely.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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personally i wouldnt move my horses to an unfinished yard in the first place, but thats my opinion. You could probably report him to building regs or the council if he dosent have proper permission. As for bond money i dont know anyone whos paid that at a yard..............


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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At least you were able to walk away.

As for your £100, sounds like you need to contact the small claims court and try and get it back that way.


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21 January 2004
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"Bond money" is quite common over here, although we don't have such a technical name for it - we just call it first and last month's rent.

If you pay your rent money monthly, then most places expect 1 month's notice when you decide to leave. Often people will not give that last month's rent (although it has never happened to me admittedly) when they leave therefore it covers the yard owner if they do up sticks and go.

I see nothing wrong with it if that is how they choose to run their yard. To be frank, you did see the yard before you moved there - it was your choice to go there and if it didn't live up to your expectations then you could have left.....which I see you did.

Chalk it down to experience......I really can't see what you are hoping to hear? Not sure of the point of this post.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2006
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I think I gave a month's deposit/bond when I moved into my full livery and have a four week notice period in the contract. However this doesn't sound a very professional set up so short of using the small claims court then maybe just one to chalk up to experience. Presumably you have receipts or a record via your bank of livery being paid if the yard owner tries to claim that it wasn't paid?


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25 March 2005
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I have never paid bond money for stabling - I do not think it is nesessary, and most stables out here do not have it set up in accordance to the law.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
We pay one week in advance, essentially that £25 is our "bond" money.

However, I recently had to move round to old yard at the back of the new yard as owner cocked up and whilst we were looking for a horse for my partner (the stable we were promised - which was mine initially and promised to us) was rented out to another lady!

I agreed as I have three to move to the back if the decent block was rebuilt and reroofed as it would make it easier for me to muck them all out together, and also it is nearer water, I have lots more storage space and its nice and quiet for my partner to get to know his new horse.

3 weeks later, still in old stables which are bearable now we have moved the matting round! - lights! we now have, but new roof put on, roofers cannot come out til next week and gawd knows how long it will take after that for guttering and faffing about!

Owner knew I was not happy about it but in the long run its not worth kicking up as I will have the bottom yard to myself and 3 new stables!!

Would take your £100 issue to small claims court and also check out this guy with trading standards!!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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i have to admit we require a months deposit for all liveries so introduced because we have been ripped off by liveries...we also require a months notice, generally paid from the deposit but allowing for breakages and stuff like that.

we have a livery contract so it is all spelt out and by god that has saved us espcially when some liveries left a little while ago..

it does seem however that your yo owner sounds like he hasnt got a clue, planning permission is so important as it negates the public liability insurance of the yard itself (that is always supposing he has some!)

i suggest going to the cab and getting some advice, you may be able to claim the money back and get some compensation