URGENT!! keeping hooves dry in wet weather


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2 October 2018
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my horse has recently become slightly lame in her front feet, she has never had any lameness issues at all in front, she is 23 (she has an injury on her hind so is never fully sound there so her front take most of the pressure so I was concerned despite her only being slightly lame.) initially thought it could be an abscess so got a farrier out. Farrier wasn’t my usual farrier as he isn’t working at the moment and this farrier told me her hooves are too wet which is causing her lameness and they need drying out. I will be bringing her in during the day whilst i’m around, using hoof hardener and purple spray to try and help as was his advice and putting her on shavings. only issue is she usually lives out 24/7 as she HATES being stabled (has been known to let herself out, constantly box walks, is EXTREMELY wet anyway and has injured herself in the past when in trying to get out) and we’re on a private diy with only 3 other horses all of which also live out 24/7 and will not be coming in as they don’t belong to me (she usually isn’t too bad if she has company!) shouldn’t be too bad at the moment as my work is closed due to covid-19 so I am around all day and we are in the process of building a large field shelter with hard standing / bedding to keep her in once I go back to work so she still feels like she is out. My only issue is the weather isn’t forecasted very good over the next few days and keeping her in completely isn’t an option so I was wondering if there was anything i could do so that she is able to go out and her feet remain dry? I was contemplating putting nappy’s on her front feet with a poultice boot over top whilst she’s out but I was sure how effective this would be?


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Mine had the same issue a while back when it was really wet so I started bringing them in at night, it did help them dry out but appreciate if bringing in is going to cause an issue, you could try the poultice boots for a while and see if they will stay on even if you did just one front and alternate so they get a chance to dry out a bit, only other option is fence off a drier bit of the field for her for a while.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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Feed a good supplement to improve the hoof quality and the hooves will be less bothered by the wet.
At her age I would suggest a test for Cushings as that might be behind the lameness and abscess.