Go away, I'm reading
Hi guys, I have done a search so have some idea but wanted to see if there is any other updates etc
So 19 yr old appy has had his first bout of uveitis in his right eye, swollen shut and blue eye, two and a half weeks ago. Cream in eye, cleares up, stopped cream as directed after two weeks. Eye was back to normal.
Roll on last night ans eye has gone blue again but no swelling. Vet out this morning and no sight whats so ever in that eye. Changed to a different drop and now has metacam for pain. His other eye is fine.
He has gotten to 19 with only having floaters in both eyes and being a very white few spot appy he has been lucky this hasn't happened before.
If we cannot get it under control to the point it goes and he has his sight back or even if he stays blind but is not in pain then we have the below options as a family we have agreed on.
Implants, which we need cost of etc and recovery time.
Eye removal which i have a few friends who have gone through this so i know its an easier recovery
Or if the options and recovery will not suit his other issues, arthritis and has had a few ligament injuries which have healed in the past and is sound now but cannot do long term box rest etc he will be pts. He is retired as he keeps coming sound, starting walk work a few times a week, tries to express his inner 12hh pony even though he has the turning circle of a tank at 16:3 and hurts himseld again ? so he is growing old disgracefully ?
Can anyone share their experiances of both the eye removal and the implant thing and the recovery?
Please no pts comments as we do know as a family this is an option on the table if the above look like they will not be suitible to his quality of life. We would like experiances of the treatments if anyone has any.
So 19 yr old appy has had his first bout of uveitis in his right eye, swollen shut and blue eye, two and a half weeks ago. Cream in eye, cleares up, stopped cream as directed after two weeks. Eye was back to normal.
Roll on last night ans eye has gone blue again but no swelling. Vet out this morning and no sight whats so ever in that eye. Changed to a different drop and now has metacam for pain. His other eye is fine.
He has gotten to 19 with only having floaters in both eyes and being a very white few spot appy he has been lucky this hasn't happened before.
If we cannot get it under control to the point it goes and he has his sight back or even if he stays blind but is not in pain then we have the below options as a family we have agreed on.
Implants, which we need cost of etc and recovery time.
Eye removal which i have a few friends who have gone through this so i know its an easier recovery
Or if the options and recovery will not suit his other issues, arthritis and has had a few ligament injuries which have healed in the past and is sound now but cannot do long term box rest etc he will be pts. He is retired as he keeps coming sound, starting walk work a few times a week, tries to express his inner 12hh pony even though he has the turning circle of a tank at 16:3 and hurts himseld again ? so he is growing old disgracefully ?
Can anyone share their experiances of both the eye removal and the implant thing and the recovery?
Please no pts comments as we do know as a family this is an option on the table if the above look like they will not be suitible to his quality of life. We would like experiances of the treatments if anyone has any.