very annoying :(


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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My horse is on working livery, which is fine as most of the people who have lessons on her are usually nice people who ride well. well today was another story. my YO said an experienced woman was wanting a lesson and would it be ok if she rode my girl. I said that was fine. well, woman arrives strides straight up to my horse, doesn't say anything to me or even look at the horse and goes to get on. I'm like hello? don't mind me?? she then said " I'm experienced so I don't need you" , I then said , "actually your about to get on and havn't checked the girth and actually its loose." She then looked annoyed and said she could do it herself, which she did and then rode off to the school - her stirrups looking uneven. Not feeling too sure about this woman I went to watch lesson.

she flapped about in the saddle, smacking my girl the whole time ( who, poor thing was so confused as to what she wanted her to do). My instructor was correcting her and that, but I was just seething.. At the end of the lesson, my girl looked exhausted and was looking at me disgruntled

woman rode round and then got off and said - "difficult isn't she? she cut corners with me the whole time, needs a wallop. " I said - funny she doesn't do that with me.... she walked off without saying thanks and has booked in for next week.

arggghhh.... I don't want her on my horse!


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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yes I will see her tomorrow so will chat to her then - have to say instructor is excellent and she looked less than impressed. I think she is far from experienced, and rude.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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OHH HOW ANNOYING, at my old yard this happened to my friend, my friend is older than me but is quiet and wont say nothing. Her horse was an experinced ex BSJA, and was used on working livery only for experinced riders to Jump. Well the Instructors put a novice on her who couldnt even jump and was actually ruining her outline. I then went up to the insturcot and had a very good complain. They use your horse under your consent, and it works on trust. You trust them to put a sensible rider on your horse, and they trust you to be happy and keep your horse their. Make a formal complaint.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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My mare used to be on working livery, but thankfully no longer is a)because I no longer have to have her on working livery and b) see had a nose bleed and they didn't tell me, and yard manager still denied she had already had one even after she had a 2nd nose bleed when I rode her and assistant yard manager had casually muttered that she had had one the other day GRRRR - they then topped it off by using her while she was still on a course of antibiotics. Once trust is broken, sorry but that is it.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Lots of good reaasons being given why NOT to allow your horse on working livery. All types of idiots get to ride them wether you like it or not. All the good work you have done gets ruined & the horse has a thoroughly miserable time of it. If finaces are strained then would it not be better to try and get a paying sharer. At least you would know who was riding your horse & the ability of that rider etc.


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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The instructor is there to teach and should have taken the whip away if it was being over used and not allowed the woman to ride like that.

Also did the rider know it was your horse? If not then why would she thank you?


Well-Known Member
2 April 2002
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It must be frustrating to see someone ride your horse badly and treat them roughly, but I guess that that is the downside of a working livery. I'm not sure how much control you will be able to exercise over who rides your horse. I would have thought that the school would insist that it's their decision who rides which horse. I think your best hope is to appeal to her instructor if you feel she's being too free with the whip.