very economical saddle or similar to start horse


Well-Known Member
17 March 2009
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I have a gorgeous three year old boy who as a yearling was diagnosed as permanently lame, and the prognosis for riding was 'very unlikely'.
Whilst keeping my fingers very firmly crossed it is now looking as though i may be ableto start him tentatively after all and perhaps do some gentle work - no eventing as hoped I am afraid.
So I am looking for a cheap saddle or similar to do so.
I don't want to buy a more expensive saddle intially as i expect him to go lame again every day (hopefully I shall be proved wrong!) so any suggestions of pads, etc that have worked.
He is polish warmblood x trak and presently standing at 16hh+

He has been sound for over a year now (bar a couple of abcesses the moment I mentioned work in the summer and Autumn) andI shall be going slowly but the vet has said 'crack on' and start to work him :)
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Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
It totally depends on what fits. You may be able to find something very cheaply second hand but I would seek the help of a fitter - young backs are very soft and much more prone to damage than muscled backs. If you can find the cash then a good second hand leather saddle which may be a few hundred pounds, should sell on afterwards for nearly the same price.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Hmm... well after giving it some thought... i would not buy a cheap plastic saddle which was not fitted for this particular horse as I think you will be staring at square one very quickly!

My personal opinion... start a horse in a bad saddle... forever pay for his back.

With special consideration to his history, you would be better off finding a good fitter who knows what you are going through and work out a good plan for his development. I know a good one who works in this way as she is also a chiro and sees many backs ruined from "starting saddles"

Paint Me Proud

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13 October 2010
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GFS genesis synthetics adjustable gullet - around £250 on ebay and can be adjusted using different gullet bars as horse matures.

I really rate mine :D


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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sorry i think you should buy him the best fit you can find. you only break them once and it should be a very comfey happy experience! as he has pre existing lameness issues tho been sound for a year i would also hold off doing anything til he is at least 4. they are not physically mature and finished til 6 so starting early will do you no favours! esp with history. although there is absolutely no reason why you cannot do a little lunging and long reining, and keep him well mannered. lie across him/ sit on him get him used to the whole idea. but wait til he is strong in himself and at the correct weight, then get a good saddle fitted and crack on next summer (and the weather will be in your favour as well) a cheap saddle will have expensive repercussions in years to come!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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also a changeable gullet saddle doesnt fit all .. as you only change the gullet not the tree or the way the whole saddle fits! its like cutting the toes out of a pair of shoes once you have outgrown them! allows space for the toes but doesnt allow for any other changes!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2009
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thanks for advice and replies,

firstly, don't worry I plan to take things very slowly and was aiming for next spring rather than now although will do some gentle 'in hand' stuff and leaning over during the winter as appropriate. I am starting to look now so that i am ready for the spring. He will be 4 in early May.
I really will be taking everything one small step at a time.

secondly I probably wasn't very clear of what I was looking for in my post. Had 10 minutes before rushing out for Christmas do!
I have heard that some people use starter pads or similar 'tree-less' for the initial backing and wondered if anyone had experience and recommendations they could share.
so that I can explore options.
I started my present horse in a wintec which did the job ok...but...
..I am hoping hugely that he will remain sound and i can ride him and he will get his own fitted saddle when/if that happens. But I am just wondering whether there were any alternatives to buying an expensive saddle for the intial stages and was looking for 'reviews' or recommendations from people who have used them,