very sad and angry (long sorry)


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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Recently moved house and I just gone through my horse pics etc and found one of my mares tails we cut it off after she was pts it just stirred up old feelings how she was treated by the vet so Am feeling angry and need to rant. She had a op for a strangulated hernia had lost 8ft of intestines and was poorly for a long time after the op. S he seemed to be getting lots better when the yo called in the morning to say she was bad and they called vet.This was 8.30am When I got there she was rolling round the stable sweated up the vet come and give her medication then went the mare carried on getting worse I called the vet again he came and give her more med and left again by this time the mare was in extreme agony the yo called vet complaining and demanded another vet as she said the horse was dying this now is 3pm The vet came back again same one yo wanted to turn him away for another but the mare was awful. He said no more its going to have to be pts which we asked on his 2nd visit giving her historey and he seemed that give her few more hours. Anyway he went and orded martlands asking no imput from me, he give the horse place wrong directions and by the time they finally arrived the mare could hardly move eyes rolling and was on the verge of dying. This a 5.30pm she was pts and to top all this no pm to claim my insurance which I did not care about but it was another blunder. Feel better I got it off my chest


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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It was a while ago but I still get mad every time I think about it. A lot of the older people fom north west area will know the vet and prob wont be supprised as I found out some time later he had a bad rep ob I can not name the vet or practice.And i have since herd he does not practice as a vet now which is good news.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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Dont get me wrong 99.9% of vets are great its just the small minority I think the reason am still p*ed off is to watch any horse in so much pain that there throwing themselves round to the point there ripping them selves to pieces and for the vet in question not to have an enqury over it is dam right awful, He had to stop practising over an other incident. Then I found out the vet had a bad rep previous to this it makes me question every vet I now use. The practices answer to this matter was we will scrap your vets bill for that day so to me it was use money to get out of this situation which money was not the issue it was the care of the horse.


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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I know how you feel and i am so sorry to hear you had to experience that! We has to have one of our shires pts a few years back, he was only young and was difficult to catch and when we first realised something was wrong we called the vet and went to catch him and after 10 mins the vet said we were never going to catch him and said she had an emergence to attend to (dog had been hit by a car) she said she would come straight back and would be no loneger than an hour, she turned up 5 hours later, after numerous calls to the vets asking for another horse, he was going downhill so quickly so we didn't want to risk taking him down to the vets (15 min walk from field) other wise it would have really stressed him out being away from the other horses, none of which were good with traffic. Being so close and rining up saying how quickly we needed a vet, got no response. I sometimes cannot stand vets at all!!