Very scary hack - plane coming into land!


Well-Known Member
2 June 2008
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Well, I hate hacking on my own. But, seeing as it was such lovely weather this afternoon, I had no-one to hack out with, but I thought I would go on my own anyway.

About half a mile away from my home there is a golf course and ocasionally they allow light aircraft to land and take off from their fields.

Well, my horse (relatively new horse, have only had him for about 3 months now) and I were hacking up the road and we were level with the open gateway, (which is the entrance to the golf course) when a plane came in to land!

It appeared from behind the house (that's how low it was) on the other side of the road and flew over our heads. It was probably about 40 feet above us. I had no time to think what to do. Merlin spun around and I thought he was going to gallop up the runway, but I managed to turn him away and bless him, he just stood there. My heart was in my mouth. I was so shocked.

His heart was banging in his chest and he was as scared as me. So, we just stood there for a minute watching the plane taxi up the field in disbelief.

My horse was so good, bless him. He is a very forward going TBxhanovarian and it doesn't take much to light him up. I just patted him and we walked on and I kept chatting to him and patting him. We carried on our hack.

He got anxious when we passed the same spot on the way home, but I kept talking to him and I made him stop in the same gateway just so he could have a look at things, and 'sort it out in his head'. (I could see the plane in the field and knew it was turned off and it was safe to stop and look.)

I really, really don't want to ride him past that place tomorrow, but I am going to make myself because otherwise hacking past that bit of road will become a big thing for him, and for me.

Sorry, pointless post really, but I feel better now I've typed it! Worst thing that has ever happened to me out hacking. And I was on my own, typical!


Well-Known Member
4 June 2008
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Being that Darcy is scared of butterflies he would have had heart failure!! Your horse is brave! lol

Dont worry about tomorrow, you'll be fine
Just take some ping pong rackets with you so if any suprise landings come along you can re-direct them back out of the way!


Well-Known Member
2 June 2008
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Big ping pong raquets! LOL

By the way, my Merlin looks just like Darcy!

(I haven't got photos of my boys on my sig, because I don't know how to make a sig, and also haven't got a photobucket account!)


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Once happend to me. I was in County Durham with the old lady, and we are galloping up the field. Me and Sam (my friend) we see something moving and before we knew it we had 3 tornadoes at eye level (we were at the top of the valley) came past. I could even see the pilots. I stopped pdq and jumped off the Duchess before the noise hit . As it did we both "ducked" she span round and nearly wipped me out, but trust me there is no way I would be here if I had stayed on her. Me getting off gave her a bit of courage and Jack (sams horse) stayed pretty close. I really dont know who was more surprised though, me and sam, the horses or the pilots.


Well-Known Member
2 June 2008
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Gosh, that sound scary. Just as well that you had the knowledge to get off.

The plane today was relatively slow, but I had no time to get off at all. It just came from behind the house on the other side of the road at about roof height and just 'appeared'.

It wasn't really noisy either, but I know the noise now (it sounded like a slow tractor really), so I'll be listening out for it in future.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2008
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The yard where Ellie is kept is next to an airport with the fields at the end of the runway and some of the planes come in so low its scary

Horses are used to it now but when the big holiday jets were there it upset a few of them until they got used to them.

Well done for sitting it out and calming your horse


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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THat does sound scary. THere used to be a hunter trials in a field very close to Cardiff airport's runway and next door to the RAF base and I saw loads of horses totally freak out on the course as planes came in to land! Can't believe they ever thought it would be a good idea.

This just goes to show that hi-vis is a good idea even if you're not going on any roads. The RAF in particular are trained to look out for riders and not to go too low if they see a horse and hi-vis helps them spot us from the air.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Sounds like you both coped really well but don't make it into a big thing in your head ....the horse will react to the instant of the scare not remember and plan to be spooky next time. However, if you tense up, shorten the reins and legs and ride like there are demons there - he will react! Just mooch past tomorrow
and have a nice hack!


19 January 2009
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That sounds frightening!

Coming back past an airport on the way home from Thorpe park a few weeks ago we were stuck in typical motorway traffic and I was watching the planes taking off as the end of the runway leads over the road - was suprised to see a field with horses in right next to the runway & airport - planes were taking off every minute but the horses didnt seem at all fazed - could hear the noise on the coach, must be very loud & scary for the horses with the planes taking off over their field!


Well-Known Member
17 April 2007
over the hill
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Horses get used to things like that when it's part of everyday life for them. we have very low flying helicoptors from Chivenor which go along the valley and the horses get to see them from above. Very scary when it's new to them though. Well done for giving your horse the confidence to face his fear.


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8 May 2005
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I'm lucky as there was an airfield near my old yard, just light aircraft & gliders, but it got them used to them. 2 or 3 times a year they have a ballon rally the horses didn't even bother when 1 crash landed in the field next door.
Saturday we were at a pont club rally & just as the first group came out of the school & the second group were waiting to go in, the Battle of Britain formation flew right overhead quite low. Cue panicking parents, but not one horse or pony paid any attention to them at all!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2007
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Glad to hear all was OK.

Last year my 3 year old i was riding around the farm,when a helicopter came over and landed in the field at the side of me.I had nowhere else to go so we had to keep going.

Prince had only just been backed 3 weeks before.He was a total saint.