Well-Known Member
Ok, background. V had been sat on twice(?) before I bought him. I have brought him on since and am over the moon with him. He is typical of the breed, sharp and sensitive and not an easy ride at all. I have battled with rearing which, wasnt very nice at all. He has done this since day one so, it was suggested to me that I school him with a standing. Idea, to help him understand that he can overcome the questions that have been asked without going up, there are other ways of dealing with it!
Not only have I coped with this I have had to deal with a horse who is incapable of walking!!!! Only jogging! Our walk was terrible, well it wasnt a walk at all it was a jig jog of a piaffe or a spin or a rear! Our canter was, unbalanced with no rhythm that sped up and up until you were motoring around the school at break point!
So, after 2 weeks of hard work, I took him out for the first time. It was only an unaff dressage but it was just a chance to get him out and about and see how he behaved. He loaded into the trailer really well (lorry still off the road) and travelled like a lamb. He came off calm and not hot and allowed us to tack him up without a fuss.
I was worried about getting on him as this is when he usually starts the rearing and its a case of, get on and get going! But I got on and walked him around on the grass. He was a little tense but perfectly well behaved.
I then walked him into the school, to warm up with the others. Sadly there were loads in there which was not what I wanted as he hasnt been ridden with others.He dealt with lots of horses coming up behind him, racing past him and practically running into him (surprises me just how many people do not know the school rules) But we got in and went off at a tense but controlled trot!
So, he was a total angel; he didnt rear, or even attempt to, didnt buck or, in fact do anything wrong. I was over the moon. And, to top it all, he walked around like a lamb!
We did prelim 1. I went HC and, to be honest would have been totally happy not to have done the test as he was such a good chap! But we did it, not very well, I went to pieces a little and he was a little bit nappy towards the door. He broke 3 (yes 3) times in his canter, totally my fault and changed the diagonal on 3 tracks! But I went around laughing (didnt help). He got 59.94%. Which, for the mistakes made, I thought was ok, we had lovely comments about him being balanced, with good rhythm and, not once described as over bent or unhappy with his bit!
I know we have a long way to go.
Ok, pics!
V posing (yes, i know, he's standing funny)!
Head shot!
And some of him warmng up-
Look! walking!
And another to prove it wasn't a one off shot!
Last one-
Like i said, he has a long way to go.
Not only have I coped with this I have had to deal with a horse who is incapable of walking!!!! Only jogging! Our walk was terrible, well it wasnt a walk at all it was a jig jog of a piaffe or a spin or a rear! Our canter was, unbalanced with no rhythm that sped up and up until you were motoring around the school at break point!
So, after 2 weeks of hard work, I took him out for the first time. It was only an unaff dressage but it was just a chance to get him out and about and see how he behaved. He loaded into the trailer really well (lorry still off the road) and travelled like a lamb. He came off calm and not hot and allowed us to tack him up without a fuss.
I was worried about getting on him as this is when he usually starts the rearing and its a case of, get on and get going! But I got on and walked him around on the grass. He was a little tense but perfectly well behaved.
I then walked him into the school, to warm up with the others. Sadly there were loads in there which was not what I wanted as he hasnt been ridden with others.He dealt with lots of horses coming up behind him, racing past him and practically running into him (surprises me just how many people do not know the school rules) But we got in and went off at a tense but controlled trot!
So, he was a total angel; he didnt rear, or even attempt to, didnt buck or, in fact do anything wrong. I was over the moon. And, to top it all, he walked around like a lamb!
We did prelim 1. I went HC and, to be honest would have been totally happy not to have done the test as he was such a good chap! But we did it, not very well, I went to pieces a little and he was a little bit nappy towards the door. He broke 3 (yes 3) times in his canter, totally my fault and changed the diagonal on 3 tracks! But I went around laughing (didnt help). He got 59.94%. Which, for the mistakes made, I thought was ok, we had lovely comments about him being balanced, with good rhythm and, not once described as over bent or unhappy with his bit!
I know we have a long way to go.
Ok, pics!
V posing (yes, i know, he's standing funny)!

Head shot!

And some of him warmng up-

Look! walking!

And another to prove it wasn't a one off shot!

Last one-

Like i said, he has a long way to go.