I am pretty sure fleur is. I would be but I have a HT at pauntley on sunday. Wereyou out last saturday when Ruby Wax was out?
I may be out the weekend after and the one at Fleur's yard.
Yes I usually am an OB girl, but I am going to spread myself around a bit this season so I do not have to subscribe to any one hunt as I cannot afford it!
l_p_r - no this will be my first VWH gig - am looking forward to it and, fingers crossed, my Patey will arrive in time - whoopee (cue me falling off into a ditch, knocking myself out and ruining it LOL)
oooh - VWH is fab!! Was out Poulton way last week and LOTS of jumping, cantering and everyone is lovely. Not to mention the AMAZING honey-mustard sausages! yuuuummm
yer it's called Brouton Proggs lol nr the yard.
Rad may be going out look out for a loonie horse. Who is taking you?
Me and Isst went last year
You hoping to do the one with us?
We keep missing each other!
Ohhhh, so this weekend where I rolled the Jeep, and next weekend at BP?! How absolutely wonderful! I am really looking forward to it! Fleur, can you nanny me please as I won't know anyone apart from Fran from my yard and she is a thruster and will be up front and has loads of friends!
Guys, am not coming Forgot that I have offered to help at the School Bazaar and I cannot get out of it - will come to BP next week instead x (Might come to the meet anyway tomorrow, will see)
ooo kk - At least you won't get killed by Fleur's attrocious nannying : Just kidding!!
Well I will see you at BP next weekend - then you DO look out for the spotty
Oi Ellie, I am brilliant, cna't wait to be out, although horse is looking a funny shade of brown tonight grr, hate greys!.
Maybe see you on foot then Weezy.
Ellie I wont be out but my horse will be !!!