Wandering horse in Collier street...


Well-Known Member
15 August 2012
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I don't know if anyone has posted if this horse is missing or not on here(?) but I can't find any details to give infomation on it so am hoping owner is looking on here.

15hh(ish) tb type bay that kept escaping from his field onto the road was out yesterday morning about 7:45 am by the side of the road eating, I tried to stop but had a van right up my backside that tooted me and almost went into me as I tried to pull over, couldn't go back as had to get to work and non emergency police number just didn't seem to be working! Saw pony was missing this morning and that there was police line across the gap in the field? Just wanted to try and find a way to tell owner pony has probably not been stolen, he's just wandering. Hope you can find him at a local yard or somewhere near by, I thought I saw him in a field further down in with another horse but couldn't be sure as it was a bay quite far away and I was looking for him! I'm sorry I don't have more information and I couldn't stop. I can't find anything for information from the police now and on calling them they don't have a clue what I'm talking about!

Hope you find him (I'm sorry if he is a she as well)