Want to start eventing... (also in CR)


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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Hello :)
So i like the look of eventing and i'd like to have a go at it My first question is; i'm 16 and horse is 16.2hh, am i allowed to compete it in BE, if yes, do i compete as a junior or senior? Second question; what heights are what classes and which is the best class to start at (i assume the smallest?) Third question, am i allowed to have a reader when doing the dressage? And anything else you think might be good to know about BE :)
Me and S have been doing a lot of SJ so far, and are planning to team chase and do hunter trials soon (she's done it before but i haven't). I have been XC schooling, more for my benefit than horses as she knows what she's doing, and i found out that i'm much braver XC than SJ, we jumped some nice big fences last time, about 3ft6 and maybe 1 or 2 4ft. We've done dressage but only once, i didnt have a reader and forgot the test completely unfortunately :( :eek: I do want to have a go at it again thou, this time with a reader :)
Thank you!!! :D


Well-Known Member
28 July 2011
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Have a look at the British Eventing website, as it will give you alot of information on the various classes, rules and regs etc etc.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
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^^ agree. They have all this info on BE website though you may have to scout around a little. The heights at lower levels are roughly self explanatory ie BE80 BE90 BE100 though you can read the exact jump dimension rules on the BE website.

May I suggest however that perhaps you try a pony club one day event before you go BE? They are a lot cheaper, often a little easier although some are run over BE xc courses which is lovely :), generally more relaxed IMO (there are some 'practice' competitions also where you are allowed a reader) and dont give you a permanent record which can be seen by anyone like BE does. You dont have to become a member of the PC to compete (though I do recommend it, there are loads of opportunities and I wish I'd gotten into it earlier) you merely have to find a competition with non-pc classes. Average cost for Pc one day events is £35-40 around me, cost for BE90 was I believe £65 entry +£12 start fee +membership OR +day ticket £30/31 (cant remember) for you and the horse = £107 or £108.

Dont get me wrong, BE is great. But to get the most out of it in my opinion and experience, its best to progress from pony club/ unaffilated events to it :).


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Sunny Bournemouth!
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BE can get very confusing! There are so many rules and entry forms, I am just no that organised!!

I would suggest you start with competing in some unaffs first, so that you get used to the day and what to do when, this also means you don't have so much pressure on yourself, it is all a learning experience!

Try competing at the unaffiliated events (DR, XC, SJ & ODE) at places where they hold BE events, it will give you an idea of the sort of XC courses they use, and also you will know your way around when you start BE, which will make life easier :)

BE can be very expensive, and I agree with the comment above ^^^^, PC first is a very good idea. I have been in the PC for years and it gave me tonnes of encouragement and confidence, membership was £50 a year (might have gone up now though?) and local rallies close to you will make you lots of friends in the same boat as you!!

I loved ODEs, I only started BE once my pony was very experienced, the last thing I wanted was to pay all that money to get eliminated at the first fence ahha!

Go out and enjoy :)