Warning if you live near dorking


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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Also posted in NL - I know there are a fair few Surrey Union people on here - please pass this on.

If you need to travel over Ranmore hill (which has been cleared) do not under ANY circumstance go over White Down (the cross roads back down to Abinger Hammer). 8 cars including my friends were stuck there last night and had to be left.

Every single car has been broken into and vandalised. What utter *******s. My poor friend is very very upset and is now having to sort out police/insurance and no car.

I have now been told that this happens EVERY time there is snow and there is a well known local community who think its great fun to go up and attack and steal from the cars that are stranded there.

So do not go up there. Even the heavy duty landrovers were struggling. I have to try to get up to meet the AA when they (very hopefully) retrieve friends car and will do so early pm. I won't risk towing it even though mine is a jeep and hers is a Ford Ka.

She was lulled into a false sense of security having come back from Effingham as that had been cleared. There was no sign saying that way had not or she could have gone down another route.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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Pretty likely - and to top it off, having spend the afternoon helping the recovery vehicle a total idiot south african tried to go down there DESPITE there being clear police "do not cross" on the top and "accident". He claimed there was no sign at the top. However, bearing in mind we were the only cars down there while under recovery we came back out to find that he had obviously "just" driven through the tape and over the very large sign

Right its alright for you Mr south african prat - but what if some else had tried to go down - and got stuck - again..


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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There is a god!!! recovery vehicle was at the top of the road doing paperwork before taking friends car off. Idiot driver came back up -had to reverse most of the way up the hill as a landrover was blocking the road having slipped over. So - sorry Mr Landrover - but serve idiot man right!