Well-Known Member
Yesterday, my beautiful much loved pet cockerel was killed by a fox. One of my gorgeous new Orpington girls was killed as was my Orpington cockerel. All my chickens are pets and now I only have one hen left. I'm very very upset about this and could only bring myself to write about it now. Everyone who has chickens please check all your pens and put your chickens away before it gets dark don't make the mistakes i did. The killings happened when it was still quite light and they were in there pen but the fix found a weak spot and pulled the wire up. The foxes took all mine but even if they only take one THEY WILL KILL THEM ALL. I raised one of them from an egg and had a special bond with him he'd sit on my hand ir shoulder and talk to me. Please make sure yours are 100% secure they're even coming out in daylight now.