Was he saying goodbye?

Peregrine Falcon

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1 July 2008
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Mogwi went missing 3 weeks ago. The other morning I woke up after "seeing him". He was lying down in a utility room, just like the one where one of my old cats died years ago. He was lying flat out and looked like he was no longer with us. I went up to him and stroked him and he lifted his head. I then woke up and don't know what to make of it really.

We've had no luck finding him, I'm almost convinced that he was saying farewell to me, or is that just my imagination playing tricks?


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4 October 2013
South Yorkshire
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Your mind is trying to process a horrid situation :( hope he turns up and you get some peace.

Having said that when I was tearing myself apart about getting another mog so soon after Salem was pts, I had a dream where I freed him from a cage, he ran up to Weetabix (the new kitteh we were adopting) and headbumped her before sauntering off. I like to believe that he was telling me I did the right thing about releasing him from pain and he approved of us giving our love to another who really needed a home :)