Was it me or were they rude


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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I went out with my local hunt for the first time the other day, i had aranged withthem in advance that i would only wat to go out for about an hour as i just wanted my 3 year old horse to see the hound and for me to see how she would react. The master and everyone was fine about this as the hunt was leaving from the end of my road, so would be on home turf.
Well we started off and the horse was an angel i just stayed at the back out of the way, later on on the day they were going over a large jump so i decided to ride around and meet them backin the road with a fair few other riders.
One of the horses would not jump so the female whos horse would not go over the jump her partner rode back around to help her, by this point all the rest of the hunt were heading back down a single track lane, where i was riding quietely along at the edge at the back with another rider and 4 riders came galloping down the tarmac road all abreast straight at us and collided with the back end of my horse (everyone knew i was on a young horse and was just along to get her some experience) the upshot was my mare to an awful fright and bolted it did take me a few moments to regain control and they then trotted fast past tutting at me.
I cant see what i done wrong i was over at the very edge of the single track road and they was no more i could do to get out of the way.
So was i in the wrong or were they just damn bloody rude. i would appreciated your help as the hunt will be going from the end over the road again next month and i cant decide if i want to risk it again, but my mare throughtly enjoyed herself and i would like to take her again, so please any advice you can give on what i could do next time.
Thank sorry its so long long but i was really annoyed


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
They were morons! Sadly, you get them in EVERY walk of life. Chances are the stupid bu**ers couldn't stop - and they were in a hurry to break their horses down! Ignore them - go again - stick a red ribbon on your horse's tail next time - that MIGHT send a message!


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Are you Irish? Sounds like typical hunting in Ireland to me! :grin: Doesn't matter what you put on your horse's tail over here - I have a red one because my horse bucks when people gallop up his bottom (since somebody used him as a brake when he was 4 and they couldn't stop without crashing into the back of him), and I worry he will kick somebody by accident, and people totally ignore it. I have considered a large sign on my back saying Keep Right (since he always bucks out to the left), and have often pointed the ribbon out to people who have just piled up behind me, only to be told "sure I saw that"!

So no, you probably did all you could to keep out of their way, and if they have a problem don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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No they were rude...sorry to hear of your experiences and hope you horse is none the worse for it...but it is why I will never hunt...the stories I hear like this are unbelievable...morons with big egos most of them!


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
Seem to be hearing lots of stories like this these days :(

Have you followed on foot at all, you may be able to make your decision when you've seen the field at large a couple more times. Hope your youngster is no worse for this episode.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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Jesus wept. The actions of a few (I agree, rude and crass people, who would be told so in any hunt I've hunted with) are no reason to condemn the whole. Give it another go. And if possible talk to someone on the 'inside' and tell them of your concerns. But don't give up .... and ignore the prigs: hunting is the best thing for horse and rider.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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Yes they were being rude. If they were just regular field people then very rude, if they were hunt staff then, in my experience, thats what you have to get used to with hunting! :smirk:

Hunting is a bit rough, there is always the risk you might get run into, kicked, cut up into a fence, jumped on etc. etc......

You survived and your horse enjoyed themselves - so go again! :)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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sounds to me like they were just rude...
i had a similar problem 2 weeks ago. i was out on an experienced hunter who wasn't very fit, so was taking it easy when 2 horses came galloping past. my horse spun, reared and just about jumped a friends cob's bum to go galloping off after them.... took me ages to stop.


Well-Known Member
19 September 2007
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Hi no they were ignorant! Forget the ribbons - no one takes any notice & to be honest lots of people don't even know what they mean. There are lots of new people hunting now - they haven't come up through the pony club etc & therefore have no clue about hunt etiquette (no I'm not a snob - its the only word I can think of!) Therfore they do silly things like this. I was actually called as a witness in a court case where a horse kicked someone after the guy had run into the back of it. The case was based on the fact that the horse should have worn a red ribbon - which was ridiculus as it had never kicked before so why go out with a red ribbon if it had never kicked! My self & several hunt masters all stood up in court & said that ribbons were hardly used now & that no one took any notice (for the reasons emntioned above). Green not so bad I guess but I'd never use a red ribbon. If you have a bad kicker hunting is not a good place to take it anyway. Certainly if you enjoyed it go again - just be wary of anyone & shout warnings to them - don't be afraid - you won't seem cheeeky. People very rarely have a go back if you have an authorative air & sound confident & in control. We take loads of young horses out for their first times - never wear ribbons - always keep behind & am aware of whats going on - if anyone gets behind I verbally tell them I'm on a youngster & too be careful. if they are ignorant & still don't listen - yes I shout at them - not nastilly but knowingly. My mum & I always do it - even with the older horses - anything can kick when it gets run into. It alwyas works - then again maybe these people are afraid of these two mad women telling people not to use their horses as someting to run into when they have no brakes or on most occassins they have no sense! :grin:!! No only joking - you'll be fine - you should def go again try the direct approach! Have fun


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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Thanks everyone for your backing in making me realise i was not in the wrong, looking back i have surprised myself as i am normally a verbal person but at the time my poor mare was so shocked me raising my voice to shout at the idiots would of prob scared her even more.
I now have a slight prob with her back end as i bred her myself and have interacted with her nearly everyday of her life she would trust people to do anything but now if you are near her back end she get a bit nervous and has now kicked out at me a couple of times so if i get her over that before the next local meet i may go but if she is still a bit wary of anyone near her back end i would bother as it could only make her worse.
Thanks again and sorry for going on


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Even a horse that is not young and not a kicker would resent having some idiot gallop up their backside. they were probably just hiding their own embarrassment by blaming you. I have never been hunting and never will and this is just one reason why. I have to deal with enough arseholes in everyday life without exposing myself to a higher percentage of them (sorry to all the absolutely lovely people who I'm sure there are who hunt!)


11 April 2007
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Sounds quite normal to me. A friend of mine gave up hunting because of idiots like that and that was 6 years ago. She had been hunting since childhood and said that hunts are full of loud, arrogant, ignorant people who don't give a damn about the welfare of their horses or others. How cruel to ram into another horses's backside!! This is truly what most hunting people are like. Try and tell them though and they scream anti and bunny hugger at you. They are usually not very bright people with rather sadistic tendancies and lots of free time to gallop over other people's land and upset the whole neighbourhood and other horses. Charming lot.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2006
Midian, where the monsters live
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Sounds quite normal to me. A friend of mine gave up hunting because of idiots like that and that was 6 years ago. She had been hunting since childhood and said that hunts are full of loud, arrogant, ignorant people who don't give a damn about the welfare of their horses or others. How cruel to ram into another horses's backside!! This is truly what most hunting people are like. Try and tell them though and they scream anti and bunny hugger at you. They are usually not very bright people with rather sadistic tendancies and lots of free time to gallop over other people's land and upset the whole neighbourhood and other horses. Charming lot.
Nothing like stereotyping people, is there? :mad:
I hunt, I care about my horse, I'm careful not to endanger other people or their horses. Nor am I "not very bright with rather sadistic tendancies and lots of free time to gallop over other people's land and upset the whole neighbourhood and other horses" :mad: :mad: and neither are MOST people I hunt with. :mad: I don't know which hunt your friend went with, but this is most certainly NOT the norm! Of course you get wankers everywhere, but to say almost all people who hunt are like that is very offensive.
I don't care if you're pro, anti or Jesus Christ for that matter. An attitude like yours is simply not on! :mad:


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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agree 100% faerie666.
hey purdey with two small children i have sadistic tendances????????????????? :mad: :mad:
when i rescue a horse and retrain it, i'm a brute for taking it hunting?????????????? :mad:
as my husband is a huntsman, we don't just gallop over peoples land, our land owners are important to us, hence cancelling our meet this weekend because of the weather.
free time, ha! whats that? bet i work harder than you have ever done it your life.


11 April 2007
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I am a nurse actually and work extremely hard. Why is that you hunting folk get hysterical when the truth is pointed out. Methinks it is you who is a little mad. Total overreaction as usual. I have yet to read a sensible reply from hunting folk without personal abuse being thrown. Silly really.


11 April 2007
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Another nasty hunter. Why do you think it is ok for people to ride their horses into others. I am not bothered about the riders, but I am concerned about the welfare of the horses, something which most (not geralising actually, sigh) hunting folk seem to be very bad about. How dare you accuse someone of being an inadequate horsewoman when you have no idea. You must be either very young and silly or very, very unpleasant. Talk about stereotyping, I think you just did that. Doh!


11 April 2007
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I can at least back up my experiences, I have a ruined horse to prove one case. I am entitled to have any attitude I like when confronted by stupid people. You may not be guilty of what others are, but it does not take away the fact that it happens with horrible regularity and some hunts DO trespass on peoples land so don't try and deny it. You are not all whiter than white and there are some very dubious people who hunt, there are also very dubious antis but together it makes for a lot of trouble and upset to local people in Sussex, I could easily quote specifics but legally would rather not. I know I don't lie, so don't accuse people of it.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2006
Midian, where the monsters live
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At which point did I accuse you of lying?
All I said was that the hunts I have been out with, most people out were very considerate to each other, and to the landowners who kindly let us on their land. I also said that you can get bad people in every walk of life, even hunting. I merely pointed out that most people I know who hunt are nice, whereas you said most people who hunt are stupid, sadistic etc.
As for me being whiter than white or not, how would you? You don't know me in real life, so don't make judgements on me just because I hunt.
I'm sorry your horse got ruined, but don't tar every hunter with the same brush just because you had a bad experience with a few.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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"Another nasty hunter".
Another nasty anti perhaps, but unlike you I would hesitate to generalise . But if you can't take it, don't give it in the first place.

Why all your venom? Is it because you've never had the balls or the ability to ride a horse, any horse, across country. Stick to your dressage, and perhaps there's a dressage forum for you elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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I was satying out of this one but Eagle managed to bring me in.
Once again someone that argues against anyone in the hunting mob is acused of being anti.

This thread was actually quite nice to read as people were having a decent conversation until the loud shouty brigade turned up to defend the rude hunters.

Sort of proves the point of the 1st post.
"WE hunt, We good, Everyone else move or get rode over"


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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This thread was actually quite nice to read as people were having a decent conversation until the loud shouty brigade turned up to defend the rude hunters.

HEY wrighty, this post was nice to read????? it was purdey who started being rude. its ok for purdey to tar all hunters as being loud, arrogant, ignorant people, with no sense of welfare for their horses and are also not very bright, sadists??????
you saying it's ok for someone to put this, but they shouldn't expect that this will piss people off???????????
there are rude people everwhere, but not everyone is rude!!!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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HI again, winter horse were you refering to myself when you said i should of stayed out of the way, if so i will just say i was out of the way i was at the back, i had been told on numerous occassions that day by the hunt leaders that as my horse was being so good i should move into the hunt more and let her get involved, but i decided against this as she is young and therefore a bit unknown so i did stay at the back, it was not my fault a womans horse would not jump the jump and her partner when around to give it a slap to get it over the jump. As stated earlier i was still at the back well way away from the rest of the hunt walking along with a very regular huntsman, when as i say "idiots" galloped into the back of my mare. If you were not aming the statement at me sorry for going on


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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hi no laniep was not aimed at you. my OH hijacked my response to purdey and hadn't got the whole jist of thread. was more upset at purdeys comments, sorry.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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'Once again someone that argues against anyone in the hunting mob is accused of being anti."

I'm so glad I didn't leave you out Wrighty. But, for me, anyone who uses inaccurate, sweeping generalisations against hunting is probably 'anti'. I can take rational criticism anytime but, it may be just me, but I react badly to utter b*llocks.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
I have to say i have had nothing but pleasant experiances out hunting. we go with a very large pack and one would except some arrogance, however my first day knowing no one, one of the joint masters stayed with me until she had explained everything.
Everyone is polite, i have had compliments on my horse, generally if someone shouts its for your own good.
This to me does not sound like "loud, arrogant, ignorant people, with no sense of welfare for their horses and are also not very bright, sadists"
Laniep you sound like youve have a bad experiance, but you get idiots everywhere, i find they often frequent colleting rings!! Sorry if i am stereotyping!!
Maybe people who disagree with hunting should stay out of this forum then they would not come across "nasty" hunters.


11 April 2007
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Well well, touched a bit of a nerve I feel. I have actually been to quite a few hunts, on foot admitedly, but many of my friends hunt and fully admit to the bad behaviour of a lot of the field. My local Hunt even admitted that the Fieldmaster couldn't control the idiots that turn up and ride roughshod over the countryside, so if the hunts cannot control their own, you can't blame people for getting the "wrong impression". I did laugh at the suggestion that because I don't hunt I am not brave and obviously a wimp for doing dressage, but dressage requires a lot of patience, skill and understanding of the horse which I don't think applies to most of the people galloping over wire, ditches and generally risking their horses for a bit of fun. If that is brave I'd rather be a wimp thanks. Let's hope that the next time you are in hospital you don't take out the failures of the NHS on the nurse who is looking after you (after probably falling off after hunting). I am not relying on hearsay, I have experienced the nastiness of the hunt on more than enough occasions to form a valid opinion.