
New User
21 February 2005
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For all those who think Western is easy....take three minutes to watch a western reining run (pattern 5)
go to:

and click on 'DERBY FINAL VIDEO'

this is the first European bred, owned, trained and ridden horse to beat the USA by a female rider and win the NRHA Derby.

contact me if you want more info/demo


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
What a well schooled horse. (and a talented sympathetic rider)
It wouldn't suit me as a discipline as although the horse is utterly obedient it looks so on it's forehand to ride, not in heavy in the hand, just it's way of going, and those motor bike turns would scare me to death!
Each to their own and I did appreciate watching those skills, though the signals were totally confusing to watch! What was she doing when she sort of lifts the reins, is that the signal to go faster or stop?
I don't think I've ever seen a horse enter a competition so relaxed, to start with I thought it would fall asleep...
Thanks for posting this, some info re what's what in the moves and aids would be very interesting.


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4 November 2005
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Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Why cant i see it??

First of all the pic came up but was froze, then i went in it again and got a pink blob
Then i got a blue blob
Then the blob kept changing colour


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
Most of the moves developed through the use of working cattle, if anyone wants to find out more contact
But basically it is broken down into
In this class it is the handler that is being judged. Conformation of the horse is not taken into account although grooming, condition and trim is. The majority of the points are gained from leading the horse, posing the horse for inspection, and the general manner in which the competitor presents their charge for inspection.
This class requires horse and rider to negotiate a series of obstacles placed on the arena surface. The horse is marked on its attitude on approaching and dealing with each element of the course. Obstacles include a gate, walking, jogging or loping over poles and backing between poles or around cones. Other obstacles can be four poles forming a square of between 5 and 6ft in which the horse must turn 360 degrees, sidepassing over, in front of, or between poles in both directions, and carrying an object from one point to another.

Riders are judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show the horse. Results as shown by the performance of the horse are not to be considered more important than the method used by the rider.

good pleasure horse has a flowing stride of a reasonable length in keeping with his conformation. He should cover a reasonable amount of ground with little effort. He should be shown on a reasonably loose rein, but still have light contact and control. He should be responsive, yet smooth, in transitions when called for. Maximum credit should be given to the flowing, balanced and willing horse which gives the appearance of being fit and a pleasure to ride.This class will be judged on the performance, condition and conformation of the horse, however, a minimum of 20 percent of the judging should be based on condition and conformation. Entries will be penalised for excessive speeding or being on wrong leads

Reining: Which is the video clip
In an approved reining class, any one of the approved American National Reining Horse Association reining patterns may be used. One of these patterns is to be selected by the judge of the class and used by all contestants in the class. Each contestant will individually perform the required pattern – containing spins, stops, roll backs, circles, flying changes and a backup.To rein a horse is not only to guide him, but to control his every movement. The best reined horse should be willfully guided or controlled with little or no apparent resistance and dictated to completely – any movement on his own must be considered a lack of control. All deviations from the exact written pattern must be considered a lack of or temporary loss of control and therefore faulted according to the severity of deviation. Credit will be given for smoothness, finesse, attitude, quickness, and authority in performing the various manoeuvres while using controlled speed.

Western Riding:
Competitors are required to ride one of the three patterns set out in the Society rule book. The class is designed to show the calm, easy paces of the horse and its ability to be correctly balanced at all times. Western riding is neither a stunt nor a race, but it should be performed with reasonable speed. The horse will be judged on quality of gaits, changes of leads, response to the rider, manners, disposition, and intelligence.Credit shall be given for the emphasis placed on smoothness, even cadence of gaits (i.e. starting and finishing the pattern with the same cadence), and the horse’s ability to change leads precisely and easily at the rear and the front at the centre point between markers. The horse should have a relaxed head carriage showing response to the rider’s hands, with a moderate flexion at the poll.

I could be even more boring & post the pictures taken when the AQHA held their show at Stoneleigh many moons ago. I already had a love for the QH by then, but seeing them in action! Our lad may only be 1/4 but he has the back end of a QH!


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21 February 2005
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Thanks for your interest:
When the rider gently 'lifts' the reins the horse softens his mouth and gives at the pole (notice he drops his head). This is the horse not being submissive but more saying 'OK Mum i'm ready what shall I do next' We call it giving his face, notice he comes OFF the bit.
The whole discipline is based on a working horses natural daily routine, but has been developed into a highly defined arena sport. Reining is now a full FEI discipline and is included in WEG since 2002. GB has just sent our own four man team to compete with the rest.
Reining is now booming right across Europe. There are more than 350,000 reining horses registered at the NRHA and the breed registry has more than four million horses registered.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2002
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Hi Reinman - I hope you & the Mrs are well - I was really disappointed to miss the recent Hadlow dressage comp but it was unavoidable
Fantastic video - sooo impressive!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2004
West Yorkshire
Amazing and fantastic to see how much she praised her horse for a job well done. My head's still spinning from just watching those turns, doubt I'd be able to keep my lunch down if I had to do that LOL!


New User
13 February 2006
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I think we can all learn a lot from the western riders and trainers! The comment about the reining horse being 'on the forehand' was interesting. The opposite of being on the forehand is being engaged and the definition of engagement is to encourage the horse to step further under him with his hindlegs in order to lighten the front end. If you watch one of those sliding stops, I don't think the hind legs could come any further under!!

I always say that you should be able to learn something from every equestrian discipline - after all they are all horses and their mechanics are the same!!