WBS (BWBS) Grading Report - Very Pleased.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2007
Today was the WBS (UK) grading (formerly known as the BWBS). I can only fit two mares in my lorry so took a couple of the Dutch mares - Victoria (Gribaldi/Balzflug) and the new girl, Timone (Sambertino/Rex Magna).

Victoria received very favourable comments from the KWPN judges a couple of weeks ago, so I thought it wold be nice to see if the visiting German judge here today would agree with them. She has an injured leg from a minor accident loading last time but I checked out whether they would be ok for us to bring her and they said as long as she was sound on it we would be fine. Timone has only been with me for about a week and a half, so I thought it would be good to get her right out and about into the swing of things and to get some feedback on her at the same time.

Both mares were ineptly prepared by me (hasty tidying courtesy of my sibling) and expertly shown by Dinah Webb-Bowen from Camrose Stud.

The judge commented on Victoria's "nice head and even better neck" and on her "above average" paces. He did say that she was a little long in the back, but I am aware of this and don't think it's a major flaw in a broodmare. Overall he seemed to like her very much.


Timone was extremely tense and as a result of this didn't show herself off as much as she could have - although Dinah did manage to get her to lengthen a little in the trot, the overall impression was of a tense horse with a choppy trot. I am a bit disappointed about that as she is very relaxed at home, but it was evident that she found being out at a party very stressful indeed. I am sure she will settle into the swing of things and relax as time passes, but we've clearly got some work to do to let the little mare know that trotting out loosely and freely with some power is what we want, not a "show pony" trot in a false outline with her chin on her chest.


All in all a good day, and a good result with two mares graded. Many thanks to Dinah and sibling!

Next stop ZfDP grading...


Well-Known Member
9 June 2007
Thanks htobago!

The black mare is currently in foal to Samaii for 2009 - I've not made any plans for her for the next covering, as I want to see what she produces this time. She is carrying the only Samaii foal for the UK this season, so it's very much eagerly awaited!

I've not made too many plans for the little coloured mare either - she's hardly had time to settle in and obviously it's far too late for this season, so I have all winter to get to know her and look for suitable horses. I don't want to use anything too big on her as it will be her first foal, so will be looking out for sports pony sires that might nick well with her pedigree - or I might use something like Stravinsky.